FAQs on Lined Wrasses, Genus Pseudocheilinus
Related Articles: Lined Wrasses,
Related FAQs: Lined Wrasses 1, Lined Wrasses 2, Lined Wrasse Identification, Lined Wrasse Behavior, Lined Wrasse Compatibility, Lined Wrasse Selection, Lined Wrasse Feeding, Lined Wrasse Disease, Lined Wrasse Reproduction, Wrasses, Wrasses 2, Wrasse Identification, Wrasse Behavior, Wrasse Selection, Wrasse Compatibility, Wrasse Systems, Wrasse Feeding, Wrasse Disease, Wrasse Reproduction,
Four vs. Six Lined Wrasses, Temperament and Sand Bed
Hello crew,
I'm interested in adding a wrasse to my 55 gallon tank. Current residents are a
percula clown, a canary blenny, a yellowtail damsel, and a red fire fish. The
owner of my LFS advises against a six lined wrasse; he says they
are extremely aggressive (I get the impression from reading that they vary in
their temperament).
<He is correct. Most Pseudocheilinus (the genus of Lined Wrasses) can be very
He says the four lined wrasse is much more peaceful (although a lot more
expensive!) Do you agree that the four lined wrasse is a better bet if I want to
preserve the safety and sanity of my other fish?
<I do; and it stays smaller>
Also, I know these wrasses bury themselves at night.
<Mmm; no; not this genus>
I currently have a rather shallow bed of sand in the tank. How many inches of
sand would be needed for these wrasses?
<Hide in and amongst rock work, corals by day and especially night>
And my quarantine tank has no sand, of course. Would it be too stressful for one
of these fish to spend a month in quarantine, with no sand?
<I would not quarantine small wrasses (too stressful; not a good trade off), but
instead do your best to secure a healthy specimen, expedite it through a
dip/bath procedure as gone over on WWM
(http://www.wetwebmedia.com/dips_baths.htm ). Bob Fenner>
Sixline Wrasse or other choices?
Hello everyone. Felipe here from Miami, Fl. I find a lot of my answers
here on WWM and I think you guys and gals are great. Now to the
question at hand. I have a 20 gallon reef that's been up and
running for about 1 year and all is well. My question is pertaining to
stocking it with one more fish. I currently have 1 Ocellaris Clown and
a Pink Spotted Goby. Both get a long great. I have a Skunk Cleaner
Shrimp, Porcelain Crab, Blue and Red hermits, some snails, red and
green mushrooms and a brand new green
Ricordea Florida which is now splitting into two. Now I tried a
<Not enough space...>
in my system but my Clown went nuts on him and he died in 2 days. So I
was thinking of maybe a Sixline Wrasse
which I've read has a little more attitude...but I'm afraid
maybe it has too much? Would you guys suggest anything else that would
do fine that's not a Cardinal? Any suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you very much. Best regards. Felipe.
<Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/marine/setup/marsetupindex1.htm
scroll down to small reef livestocking articles and FAQs. Bob
Pseudocheilinus evanidus, the Pin-Striped or
Striated Wrasse sys. & Tridacnid comp.
Dear Bob,
Does Pseudocheilinus evanidus, the Pin-Striped or Striated Wrasse eat
Tridacna clam?
<Mmm, is possible>
Is it wise idea to put them together in a 30 gallon tank?
<I would not... the "Disappearing Wrasse" is far too
skittish to be kept happily in such a small volume>
I really want to be careful with my clam because a Tridacna clam is
It is because it's illegal in Indonesia to sell it.
<? Really? A restricted species?>
Thank you for your information and attention.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Six Line Wrasse acting very sluggish
About 5 weeks ago I purchased a 15 gallon tank with 15 pounds of live
rock and 10 pounds of live sand, waited for it to cycle until the
ammonia and nitrite levels were 0. I maintained weekly water changes
about 15 - 30 %. Currently my nitrates read 15 ppm, and the pH is just
at 8.3. Salinity is at 1.024 ( I'd rather keep it up because I plan
on putting some coral in the tank as well) I have only one fish, A
six-line wrasse, they are so beautiful and really... that's the
only fish I would like in there...
<Mmm... really needs more room than this>
My problem is that the six-line wrasse seems very very sluggish
I offer him a small portion of brine shrimp every day, but I NEVER
notice him eating.
<Likely picking at the life on, about the rock. Artemia not a good
standard diet BTW>
He constantly is laying on the bottom
<Mmm, not good behavior... though not active fishes to speak of, the
Lined Wrasses should be up and about during all the daylight hours,
cruising through spaces, amongst hard structure>
unless bothered, and at times even when he's bothered he just
chooses to keep laying on his belly. I do notice the mucus he
<This tank is likely "too young"... has chemical, physical
issues from the rock, life...>
also, it seems like he could be having trouble breathing, stress
probably, but I really don't know why he would be stressing out
being in such a solitary area (he's the only fish in there).
He's been like this for about a week now, (I've had him for two
weeks total, Acclimation time was 24 hours, drip).
Do six line wrasses pick at live rock?
<Yes, for sure>
Is that how he getting his food?
<Highly likely, yes>
If so I never see him picking at it, water is pretty much crystal
clear, maybe I just got a bad wrasse...
What do you think's going on with him?????
<Really, just this system being too new for it, and too small for
such a species...>
Thanks for helping me out, I really appreciate it!!!!!!!!
Jacob Bishop
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Six Line Wrasse acting very
sluggish 8/12/09
Thanks so much! I'm prepared to let my friend take care of him, as
his tank is much much larger and much more well established than mine,
looks like I'm gonna have to pick out another beauty.. Perhaps a
green clown goby?
<Mmm, no... read re... not suitable for this setting either>
I'll do the research on it. Just wanted to say thanks for your
great advice!
<Real good. Be chatting Jacob. BobF>
- Six line Wrasse - Hi all... I've posted this on the
chat forum but haven't really gotten much of answer. <Let's
see if I can do any better...> I'm hoping someone can help
before the kids ask to go fish shopping this weekend. I moved my 2
false Percs and yellowtail into the main tank this evening after going
fallow. My yellowtail didn't make it. I uncovered the tank to check
on them and he was being eaten by the shrimp and hermits. So sad to see
that. I'm guessing I screwed up on the dip during transfer although
the clowns appear to be fine. (Swimming normally now). Anyway, I
don't plan on replacing him unless hubby really wants me to.
(Especially after having most of you tell me I shouldn't even have
him.) Here's my question: I know that a lot of wrasses are known to
be jumpers. Is the six line one of them? <I'm afraid so.> How
much of an opening do they need to jump? <Smaller than you would
think.> Would it be compatible with the following: 2 false Percs, 1
strawberry Dottyback, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 1 peppermint
shrimp, 1 turbo snail, 3 hermits? <Sure, although it 'might'
take out your shrimp one day.> Also, a yellow fish is very much
wanted do you have any suggestions that would work with this crew?
<How about a Citron Goby?> My tank is a 29g with live rock/DSB.
No corals or anemones although I would like to have some mushrooms. I
think I have enough light for those. (2 Coralife 20 watt 20,000K bulbs)
Do you think my light is still too poor? <Not for mushrooms and
polyps, but it might be rather tight quarters for all these fish - do
consider something a little larger - perhaps a 40 gallon tank if you
want this mix to persist. The extra size will also lend some stability
to the whole system too so it's a double bonus.> If so,
then mushrooms will come off the Christmas list and have to
wait for a lighting upgrade and or larger tank. <Get the larger tank
first - your fish will thank you.> Thanks.
<Cheers, J -- >