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Rare marine fish book possibility, esp. Pomacanthids Bob, <Michael> It's been about 5 years since our last e-mail communication. <Tempus fugit> Nonetheless, much in the world has changed in the way of my fish collection. Once again, I've been an avid hobbyist for 24 years now and an avid rare fish collector for 10 years. I've had systems from 30 gallons to 4000 gallons. The purpose for my e-mail was to discuss the likelihood for market demand for a TRUE, NO-NONSENSE book - focused on rare and unusual species. I've got all the angelfish books and while the pictures are great - the aquarium advice is garbage. There is little truly usable information on the husbandry of rare specimens, cost of acquisition, realistic availability and photos from an aquarium. Mr. Endoh's Japanese recent Angelfish book is the closest to such an endeavor - 90% of photos taken in captivity. <Very typical for Japanese aquarium books. Nonetheless, great pix.> I would be very interested in your opinion on the opportunity. I'm currently considering beginning this endeavor. I've had pretty much everything considered rare on the Angelfish and Butterfly side. Here's a current list of my inventory: 3 Holocanthus clarionensis 3 Holocanthus africanus 1 Holocanthus limbaughi 1 Holocanthus ciliaris - St. Paul's Rocks Specimen 1 Centropyge interrupta 2 Centropyge resplendens 2 Centropyge debelius 1 Centropyge joculator 1 Centropyge hotumatua 1 Centropyge aurantius 1 Centropyge boylei 1 Centropyge multicolor 2 Apolemichthys arcuatus 1 Apolemichthys xanthopunctatus 1 Apolemichthys griffisi 2 Chaetodontoplus Conspiculatus - 1 Specimen is a hybrid C. Conspiculatus x C. meredithi 1 Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis - Solid blue face specimen 2 Pomacanthus chrysurus - 1 Specimen is a hybrid P. chrysurus x P. maculosus 1 Pomacanthus asfur - Xanthic color form - White bar and white caudal fin 2 Genicanthus personatus Let me know your thought, angry retorts, etc. <Hee hee! That's a lot of marine angelfishes... and money invested. I'd bet they eat more money in food than myself.> Best regards, Michael Gonzales <Such a work has intriguing possibilities, though I must relate to you that print works in the aquarium interests rarely make any real money (we shoot for 15% cash against cash annual returns)... BUT I do encourage you to pursue the project "serially" at first, by writing your experiences, points of view in "article format"... and selling same (I'll help you) to print and Net pet-fish periodicals. Take a species, or genus, or aspect (selection, habitat, foods/feeding/nutrition...) if you'd like and "write it up"... and make, find pix to go along with it... and voila (!) you're on your way to book publication. Bob Fenner> Big Fish- Tough Questions (Cont'd.) Hi Scott, <Hello again!> Thanks for the reply. <You're quite welcome!> I guess sadly, these last few days have been like a child discovering there's no Santa Claus. These are my favourite fish, always have been, and I have kept a couple of different species at different stages, thankfully I only killed one, during a power outage - so I feel less guilty about that. <Yep!> As attractive as Santa sounds, unfortunately he ain't there - and in reality, the truth of marine angels is that a happy healthy angel in the home aquarium is only a myth. To truly love these animals is to respect them and let them to the wild - or else get a 500 gal tank, and a 1000lbs of LR -and a smaller angel species. <Unfortunately, I'd have to agree with you. Full sized Pomacanthids are really best suited for public aquariums, rather than home aquariums. However, you could have great success with many of the Centropyge, Genicanthus, and other genera which achieve smaller adult sizes...> It pains me to say it, and I still can't believe I am saying it, but I guess I am, and I came to the conclusion by myself, through my own thought process, and without coercion from green peace :-) <LOL> Guess its the engineer in my arriving at the only logical conclusion that there is. One day I might have the money, and time, and space to set up a truly great "angel" system - and by then, hopefully, there will have been many more advances in the technology and food stuffs available. <No doubt there will be!> Again, cheers for the reply, Regards, Matt <My pleasure, Matt. If nothing else, your study opens your mind up to the ethics involved in keeping such fishes in captivity. Thanks for sharing! Scott F> Some Questions about Angelfish Hi uncle Bob hehehe (can I call you uncle Bob), <You may call me what you want, but please, not late for dinner> thanks for replying my long email, and I'm very appreciate that you can even know my language!! Amazing Bob. So uncle Bob, in my second email (long again), I want to ask you some question : 1. Which one is the most expensive in your country between the blue face, the majestic and the emperor? <If compared at the same size, the Blue Face> Why it can be like that? <Mmm, maybe just longer to ship... perhaps perception of value. That is, folks consider that they can get more for it. Some possibility of differential mortality... it dies easier...> 2. As stated in my first email in my country there is so much different between my local angelfish comparing to import angelfish (Red Sea and Caribbean), but why in your country the differences in price is not too significant? <The net landed cost factors are maybe high for all localities... mainly handling and shipping, so all are relatively expensive> If I must import your kind of fish, so do you if you want my indo pacific fish, and the taxes should be around the same either from my country to your country or in contrary case, but why the differences of prices is so significant? (can you imagine if I can buy the asfur for only US$ 100 for adult size, I'm very very happy) <You're closer to the source (the Red Sea) and likely airfreight costs are lower there> 3. About the regal angelfish, I want to tell you my true story about this fish. I kept this fish about 7 years ago in my 60 gallons F/O tank (before I kept my angelfish in my previous email). I kept this fish for about 3-4 months, but this fish refuses any kind of food I've over to him such as : lettuce, shrimp, guppies, flakes, pellet (but not yet tried open scallops or mussel), but the fish doesn't showed any sign of lose weight and still swimming around the tank, why this can be happen? <Mysterious... maybe it was eating some live rock organisms? Or the other fish's food when you weren't watching?> Even my queen dead in a week because it refuses to eat! And because I'm feel pity about the lives of this fish, I take a decision to release this fish to the sea (even my friend pray for my care of fish souls), So uncle Bob, I know many articles writes down that this fish should not be keep even for experience aquarist (suggestion), but because I want to take a chance again in keep this fish, what will you recommend to me? <Yes, but do your best to try and get a specimen from further into the Indian Ocean, if possible, from the Red Sea itself. These are immensely more hardy than the West Pacific specimens> Can I seduce the regal with open scallops or mussel, I read that most angel and Butterflyfish cannot refuse this recipe, is that true? <It is a very good "trick", that often leads to these fishes taking other foods. Bob Fenner> Re: Red Sea Or Caribbean Thank you very much bob for your reply. Yes, of course it is better to have only 1 large marine angel in 1 tank, but because the lack of spaces in my home so I try to put them together in my 180cm long x 100cm width x 60cm height. <You are so fortunate to have so many beautiful animals so near... yet I understand the desire to house "exotics" in your system.> What makes the rock beauty are so difficult to keep in the tank? Is it because this fish will not eat commercial fish food, or easily strike by diseases, or what? <All the above, plus "just" inherently poor attitude toward captivity> I read in your web sites that Apolemichthys griffisi is reported comes from Indonesia, but from my experience in keep marine fish I've never seen this fish in my LFS. <I see that on fishbase.org that Richard Pyle is the pers. comm. which lists this species from Indo.. I have never seen it there either> If this true that this species comes from my country, than it mean that this species has been extinct from our sea, it's a pity! <No... I suspect that it is just rare or only found in a part of your vast country... perhaps, let's say, only in Irian Jaya... or Northern Sulawesi...> What do you mean by tame in term of French Angel, is it mean that I can touch this fish by my hand? <Mmm, more like you can train it to take food by hand> My French look tame but I can't still touch him by my hand, is the asfur can become tame also? <Yes, even more so> Thank you very much! <You're welcome my friend. Salamat. Bob Fenner> Regal Angel in a Reef >Hi Bob/Crew, >>Hello, Marina here tonight. >I just wondered if you could provide some info beyond what I know. I have acquired a 3 inch juvenile Red Sea Pygoplites diacanthus, tip top shape, feeding in the shop on Mysis, and put it in my 120g reef tank (mostly leather, Sinularia, a Fungia, xenia, etc). >>A brave, brave thing you've done, but to have best success with this animal, I think you've provided the best possible of circumstances. However, do watch some corals. If you have sponges growing well he'll make good and happy use of them. >Circulation is good I think, about 20000 l/h -2 Tunze 4002 and one stream 6100- and there is plenty of live rock. I have an aragonite sump. I feed a variety of foods (Mysis, krill, Gammarus, SF bay emerald entree, squid, lobsters eggs, all soaked in Zoe and vitamins every day) and I add my own hand made live phyto every day. I was just wondering if you have any suggestions beyond what I am doing to make the fish feel ok. >>He should FEEL just fine, but also offer greenery. If you have anything resembling a refugium in which you can grow your own macro algae, he should wish to make use. Also, Nori (Japanese sushi algae sheets) is EXCELLENT, both to free-feed and to soak in said supplements (I very much like Selcon). >His tankmates are a 6" majestic - no aggression whatsoever from him at all to the little one, rather the little one seems to have sort of adopted him and never strays far from him... weird hey? - and a regal tang. >>You have definitely broken some rules with the mixing of angels, though they are each a different genus, so I would remain hopeful that no aggression will transpire upon maturation. I *would* like to see these fish in a larger system, double that size would be a great start. >The regal angel is eating and acting normally and moving about in the rocks. So, any further dietary or other suggestions? >>Watch, and the tang will greatly appreciate the addition of Nori as well. I think you should gain best results in this situation, but do watch for nipping of corals by them. A link: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/pygoplites/ -- and another: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/pomacanthus/euxiphipops.htm >Many thanks, Massimo, Brighton UK >>Quite welcome, Massimo, and best of luck! Marina Large Angels Eating Inverts? - 8/10/03 hey bob <Anthony Calfo in his stead... Bob is away to Indo for several weeks attending a nude SCUBA convention sponsored by a large hair removal product company> will large angels like the genus Pomacanthus eat Ricordea mushrooms? <does a bear bring a readers digest into the woods?> ...or other softies like polyps, zoo's etc? <and a roll of toilet tissue too?> ...I'm not really concerned about my xenia as that grows like a weed anyway <understood> I don't have any SPS or LPS corals...but I do keep a Squamosa clam and may try to keep more clams down the road... <the clams are at risk too. Rather random predation though. The big angels rank high on a reef as predators and sample most any kind of reef invertebrate. You see exceptions of well-behaved individuals occasionally... but they are overwhelmingly unsafe. Best bets are Gorgonians... very noxious and unpalatable in general.> btw, my tank is a 6' 125 gallon with 180 #s of LR... thanks, Brad <kind regards, Anthony> Angel food - 07/09/03 What is the best seaweed select to feed my angel fish? the red, green, or brown? What else is a good everyday feeder for him? Mysis shrimp? <As with humans, variety is the spice of life. All three are a good choice, as well as Mysis. You also should look into frozen foods that are formulated for angel fish, many angels like sponges, which are in short supply in most tanks.> Blue-Face and Six-Striped/Banded Angelfish 6/28/03 Hello, <howdy!> I like to find out how can you tell a blue face from a six-stripped/banded angelfish when it's small? Thanks, Alan <it may be best/most effective to refer you to utilize fishbase.org in such cases. Great site... ID, feeding, sexing, distribution, etc... be sure to click on the link for pics: http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?ID=5662&genusname=Pomacanthus&speciesname=xanthometopon http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?ID=6564&genusname=Pomacanthus&speciesname=sexstriatus Best regards, Anthony> Searching For Hidden Gold (The Cryptic Golden Pygmy Angelfish) I purchased a golden pygmy angel (C. aurantius) about 3 weeks ago. <An awesome, yet tricky fish to keep!> I have only seen him twice for about 1 second a time. I knew they were cryptic in nature, but this is far more cryptic than I expected. I'm wondering if I could possibly put a small (1.5") multicolor angel in with it. It is a 75g FOWLR tank. I'm wondering if the personality of multicolor angels would allow for the coexisting of the two species. Thanks! <Well, I am always concerned about mixing to Centropyge angels together, particularly in tanks less than 6 feet in length, due to potential territorial squabbles. However, you are correct in pointing out that these are two angels with seemingly compatible personalities. Remember, however, that fish-like people, have distinctly individual personalities, and may not (and this is very frustrating to us as hobbyists!) conform to our expectations! It is certainly a calculated risk with some pretty pricey fishes, but it might work. A better strategy might be to employ some more docile, yet outgoing fishes, such as gobies, Anthias or maybe even Assessors (well, I guess I couldn't really call Assessors "outgoing"- but they are relatively easy going) to help "draw" the Golden out more. The key to success with this species (as WWM Crew member Ian and I were just chatting and agreeing about this week) is to get these guys to eat. Unfortunately, this is a tough problem for many hobbyists (including myself!). The outgoing behavior may come in time...Just provide them good conditions, make sure that they are eating, and enjoy him when you see him! Good luck!> Re: Blanched Koran, non-pulsing Xenia Bob, Thanks. Is Blanching dangerous as the spots seem to come and go when they feel like it. My only conclusion are the two tangs are giving him a hard time and often back into him, although he doesn't look too worried. <Looks can be deceiving. I do think you're on to something here> I tested my tank last night and my ph was 8.1, ammonia 0, nitrate 0, nitrates 10, calcium 400, and KH 10. All my corals are doing well, apart from corals like xenias. All my parameters seem fine but I cannot understand why only these types of corals seem to shrink. Any explanations as a few people I know have the same problem and we cannot understand why?? Thanks Stu <You don't mention a measure or use of Iodine/ide... do consider administering and testing for this essential nutrient. Bob Fenner> Adding a flame angel >Hi everyone, >>Good morning, Brian. Marina to help you today. >I want to thank everyone for all of the help that you have given me in the past. I have a quick compatibility question. I have a 125 gallon tank with about 70 lbs of live rock with lots of nooks and crannies. The tank has been running for about 6 months. Water parameters are good, no problems. Tank inhabitants: 6 inch Volitans lion 6 inch yellow tang 5 inch Picasso trigger Everyone gets along well, no difficulties. Would I be able to add a flame angel? I would get a flame that would be about 3-4 inches so he could not be gobbled by the lionfish. Do you think I would have a good chance of success? >>Truthfully, no. I believe that, even if it wouldn't quite fit now (and that's not to say that the lionfish might not hold a different opinion, either), eventually the lionfish *will* become large enough to eat the angel. I am also a bit concerned with the size of the trigger, and possible aggression there. How about something just as sturdy, but should be easily acquired with enough size to hold its own, such as a Pomacanthus annularis (Bluering angel)? >This would be the last fish I would add. ( I promise !) I think your stocking density is well thought-out here, but I can't tell you that I think a Flame would do just fine with the lion and trigger. I'm sorry! Best of luck, whatever route you take. Marina Angel Unhinged! Good evening crew, <Hi there! Scott F. at the keyboard tonight> I recently purchased a 2.5" juvenile Flagfin angelfish (Apolemichthys trimaculatus), it is currently residing in a 20g quarantine tank for the next few weeks. From the very first moment I brought it home, it has readily accepted both Formula Foods: Angel Formula and also Nori....I took this as a great sign. <Yes- it is...This fish has a reputation for being a bit tough to keep...The fact that it is eating is a huge plus!> Entering its second week now, I have discovered a problem. I first noticed it this morning when feeding him before I left for work. While picking at the food, its mouth seemed to get stuck in its extended position. It swam around a bit and hit at the food again and it popped back in. However, this evening, I came home and its mouth was stuck out again. This time, I had to remove it to a bowl and manually massage it and it went back to normal. <Good action on your part!> Do you guys have any idea what could be causing this and/or any sort of advice as to a long term solution? I don't see removal practical once it goes into the main tank. Thanks for any clues, Ryan A. <Well, Ryan, really tough to say. It's possible that this "unhinging" event was the result of a trauma of some sort; I've seen this with certain freshwater fishes before, but not in a marine fish. I guess the best long-term solution for this problem is to maintain excellent water conditions, provide good food (possibly of a size that won't require the fish to extend its mouthparts to a large degree to ingest and chew the food, resulting in a decreased possibility of this happening again), and careful observation. Keep an eye on this guy....Good luck! Regards, Scott F> Sick Emperor Angel >Hello Mr. Fenner, >>Good morning, Marina to help you today. >I have a quick question that no one can seem to answer efficiently. I have an Emperor Angel fish that I have had for about 9 months now, and it just got sick about 1 month ago. The symptoms were: Pale body, fins were deteriorating, wasn't eating too much, breathing rapidly and darting/twitching. I took it out of the main tank, put it into a quarantine tank and treated it with copper for about 3 1/2 weeks. I tested the copper at 1.5, which remained consistent throughout the 3 1/2 weeks. Which brings me to today. I have been watching the fish a lot and it eats tons of food now, the body looks really nice, but the only thing that looks fishy (no pun intended) is that it still breaths rapidly (and seems to cough) like there is something bothering its gills, and darting/twitching. I have looked closely on its body and don't see any signs of parasites, however there are some small discolorations on the skin that are a little bit bigger than the size of freckles (there are about a handful on both sides of the fish) It is just discoloration (grayish color), it is not bulging, not fungus looking, not red around it, nor lesions on the body....it just seems like something is eating away at the skin with the way the fish is twitching/darting. Do you know what it might have? I was thinking that it might be gill flukes or something but I don't know. >>I'm thinking Trematodes or something similar, and if I recollect correctly they're not at ALL affected by copper treatments. You'll have to use Formalin, and I'll link you to a med guide and hopefully will find other links for you as well. >I am confused on what to do now, because CopperSafe kills mostly everything, but the fish still seems to be in discomfort....What medicine, if any, would be effective for the symptoms that I listed? I appreciate your help. All in all, the fish is really healthy, it isn't sluggish or weak, it is rather aggressive and loves to eat! >>Be sure to keep him fed and fat, in the meantime... http://www.petswarehouse.com/Fishmed2.htm http://www.petswarehouse.com/Fishmed3.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/disease.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/dips_baths.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/parasiti.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/martrtmtfaqs.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/med.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/acclimfa.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/treatmen.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/copperprodfaqs.htm >>There is SO much to find via Google through the site that I'm leaving it at this for now. There is much information on utilizing Formalin for certain parasitic infections, and you'll soon learn that copper isn't the panacea that some believe it is when dealing with them. Best of luck! Marina Angel Fish Hey Crew....what's up!?! <The price of my employer's stock... Hi DD, PF here tonight.> I currently have a 140 gal REEF tank with a 50 gallon sump which contains a refugium. The three main residents are a Asfur Angel (5 in), Clown Tang (3 in), Queen Angel (3 in)...supporting cast include a percula couple, Potter's angel, small shoal of green Chromis'. They all get along fine...I mean the aggressive Queen is too worried about the Asfur, which IMO is the most gentle of all Pomacanthid, on both the corals mainly SPS that litter my tank (I can't recall seeing the Asfur pick at any corals, not even clam mantles), and smaller fish. The Asfur only disciplines the queen when she eyes the same pellet of food. Having read much of the FAQs and descriptions I am aware that my tank is a little too small for these angels and am currently ordering a new custom made tank. The dimensions will be 84 x 32 x 24...you think this is large enough? My idea is to have a 360 view tank with all the plumbing and hardware (overflow) to be placed in the center of the tank with a surrounding live rock structure . Most of the tank on each side of the center rock structure will be open to allow graceful swimming in circles around the structure. Sound acceptable? <Sounds nice, my big worry would be having to work in the overflow, that could be a big pain in the posterior.> Furthermore my sub-adult queen angel does pick at the reef however it doesn't seem to be eating anything. Its curious nature or anger for lack of food seems to be the cause of the picking. When I move to the BIG tank and as she grows, will this behavior become worse? <Possibly, fish are individuals too, and it's about as easy to predict how they'll turn out as it is with children. Remember, fish don't read the same books or FAQs we do. : ) >I do plan to stock the center LR structure with SPS' and other inverts. Will the Queen out grow the Asfur and seek retribution someday? <From what I've read, they should be roughly the same size: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/pomacanthus/maculosus.htm & www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/ angels/holacanthus/ciliaris.htm > How many large angels could this system sustain comfortably? <Well, due to territoriality, I'd stick with these two. Remember, in the wild their range would be dozens of yards, if not hundreds. You might want to look at something like long nose butterfly's also if you're looking for a similar fish http://www.wetwebmedia.com/forcipig.htm > Regards, DD <Have a good night, PF> Half Moon Angelfish Is the Half Moon the same thing as a "Map Angel". What other names are common for this fish? The Half Moon is definitely not the same as an Asfur Angelfish, correct? Thanks for your abundant help! :) <... time to send you to fishbase.org... You will find the answers to the above there by searching the members of the genus Pomacanthus. There are MANY common names for these fishes. Bob Fenner> Elizabeth K. Birdwell Rock Beauty Angel - 2/24/03 I was looking through the Angelfish section in your fish FAQ's and I wasn't able to locate this little guy in their. Obviously he's going under a different name, that I'm not used to seeing. I have always seen them sold as "Rock Beauty Angel". Any help you could give on getting his correct name as per you FISH FAQ's would be appreciated. Thanks Kevin <no worries Kev... the archives are huge. There is a whole page dedicated to your fish :) http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/holacanthus/tricolor.htm a suggestion to help you with any search in the future: go to our home page at www.wetwebmedia.com and type your subject/phrase in the Google search tool at the bottom of the page. The above link came up as the first hit on a search for me. Kind regards, Anthony> Touched By An Angel? Hi, <Hi there! Scott F. here tonight!> I have a 48 gal tank with 45 lbs of live Fiji rock. 3 inch live aragonite sand bed. ph is 8.4, Alk is 11 dKH, spg is 1.023, temp 77, CPR Bak Pak, whisper 1 filter, 110 watt 10000 k pc lighting. I am wondering if I can add a 3 inch passer angel to this system. this fish will only be in here for 10 months then to be transferred to a 240 gallon fish only setup. I regularly change 10% of the water every 3 weeks. <Good, but if you could do smaller, more frequent changes, that would be better!> I know this is a small tank for this fish as a full grown adult but given its size and the setup of live rock and sand I believe this is a healthy setup. BTW this is the only fish in the tank only other snails in the tank. please advise if you disagree with my setup. Thank you, Sal <Well, Sal, I am glad that you intend to move the angel to a much larger tank within the year. Keep in mind that, even though this fish is currently small, it still requires a lot of room to "roam" and forage. Additionally, you need to maintain excellent, stable water conditions and provide a varied diet for this fish to grow and remain healthy. Normally, we tell people not to even start these types of large angelfish in anything less than a 75 gallon tank. If you feel that you can provide all of the above, before AND after he's transferred to the larger tank- than go for it. Do not keep any other fishes with him during this time in the small tank. However, do realize that these fish can grow pretty fast if you provide for their needs well, so you may actually have to move him sooner than 10 months. With proper care, this fish can live many years! Good luck! Scott F.> Blue Linckia, leopard wrasses and angels Good evening Bob!
<cheers, bub... Anthony Calfo in your service> Well, I know
you've probably heard this a hundred times now.... I bought
something for once without doing any research, a blue Linckia~ I was at
a wholesalers and it was $5 and I've always wanted one.
<impulse and cheap price... a recipe for death> Don't shoot
me! <oops...sorry. I jumped the gun on the harassment> As
soon as I put it in the tank it promptly disappeared into the woodwork,
"Great! I just bought a lovely blue star that I'll never
see!" hehe. <or worse... it will starve, dwindle and die
back in the rockwork and wipe out the while tank when you go on
vacation. Have a nice Holiday! <G>> He's being more social
nowadays and hanging around the clams. (Been in the tank about 2 weeks
now) I read the FAQs and he's relatively healthy, he was kind of a
grey/blue when I bought him, but he's not "cob webbing"
or anything. Ok, my question is do they have any food requirements
other than detritus and micro creatures? <wow... these
starfish like most sea stars need a lot of food. If you do not/cannot
target feed them weekly if not daily, then they need very large
aquariums (over 100 gallons) and very mature displays (well over 1 year
old with a lot of live rock). Else they will slowly starve over a
period of months like most. Surely not to live beyond one year, I am
truly sorry to say> Currently he's in one of the most
beautiful/healthy 58gal tanks in Miami that has been established for
over 5 years. ;] It has a 3"+ fine sand bed, tons of little
benthic critters, etc. <awesome... the maturity of the tank is
a tremendous help. Still... spatially... it is a bit small in surface
area to sustain this deposit feeder. Especially if you have any
blennies, gobies, tangs, etc that graze the rock competitively>
Other than fish food (Spirulina flakes and pellets) I feed the tank
Dt's concentrated plankton every other night, which the brittle
stars seem to love. Also, are Linckias nocturnal? <yes> It
doesn't seem to move around during the day at all, like the brittle
stars. Is it normal for Linckias to stay in the same position for a day
and a half or more? <common for imported ones...duress> Do
they feed on diatoms that accumulate on the glass as well as feeding on
stuff in the sand? <not only diatom algae per se> His
suckers seem to be in good shape, nothing looks irregular.
<good to hear... a good sign> Just they move really slowly, so a
person tends to worry. <understood> And he doesn't seem
to get all excited like the brittle stars when I add plankton. ;]
<true... he is a strict detritivore... no suspension feeding at
all> On another note, (thanks for reading all this, I have a special
skill at rambling!) would a leopard wrasse and a yellow Coris wrasse be
compatible? <likely not... and you truly must avoid putting a
leopard wrasse in a tank this small. They are categorically very
difficult to sustain for more than a year or two. Best success is in
huge aquaria (over 200 gall) with few other fishes> And would they
be compatible with a bicolor blenny? <stick with the yellow
Coris and you will likely be fine... although there is always a chance
of territorial aggression from the blenny> (My bi-color is currently
in my 10gal nano, where he is king, I can't wait to see his
expression when I put him in the 58g that I'll be moving to once my
boyfriend has the 75g setup, heehee Two reefers living under the same
roof is a dangerous combination. ;]). Also, are Rusty Angels reef safe,
hardy, okay for keeping w/ above mentioned fish? <now
that's a hardy choice :) Seriously... a fine angel. Reasonably
hardy and easy to feed... tends to be long-lived in captivity. As far
as reef safe... eh... as reef safe as dwarf angels get (nibbler)> If
so, should I keep a pair or single? Okay, that's it I swear!!
<oh... you are headed for a smack <G>. You do recall that you
have a 58 gallon aquarium, don't you :) > Oh, can you sex
bicolors? <is this a trick question... Ok, I'll bite:
yes... the male is the one wearing the smoking jacket and the female
wears a silk Kimono> The males are so pretty during mating
time. <OK> Thanks so much for everything, I think you guys
are awesome and I hope to know as much as you do someday. Sweet dreams~
Morgan Moore
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