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Re: Passer Angel & Noxious Soft Corals. Now Emperor Angel
nutr./fdg. 11/4/16 SICK FISH EMERGENCY... Passer Angel mistreatment 4/26/08 Hi, <Tim> I need some urgent help here and seek your advice. I have a passer angel who has suffered some poor water quality conditions, namely enduring a tank cycle and subject to elevated nitrite levels after dealing with the prerequisite ammonia battles. <Why?> The tank now appears to be cycled and water quality is good on all tests. The problem he is facing now appears to be an infection of some sort with visible sores, lots of mucus on the outside, and rapid gilling. He looks like he's on the verge of death. I am trying to think of what to do for him. I am thinking of doing some type of medicated freshwater dip, but not sure what to go with. I have Methylene blue on hand but I'm thinking he needs something more. Is there something I should do to treat this as a bacterial infection? <Perhaps a Furan compound...> Is there a stronger medication I should try with dipping him? <... insufficient data...> What remedies would you suggestion for the triage and longer if he makes it? Any help is GREATLY appreciated! Tim <This species of Holacanthus really suffers from being overly-stressed... It may well be too late for this specimen. I'd be reading here: http://wetwebmedia.com/fishindex3.htm the first tray... on Marine Angels... Bob Fenner>
Adult passer angelfish, shipping trauma.
12/15/2007 <Very common... specimens more than about 4"
total length don't "ship well"> I recently received a
large adult passer angelfish from a mail order fish store which shall
remain nameless since they have been nice about this. The fish arrived
in terrible condition, dazed and confused and in ~65 degree water that
was loaded with waste. I've had it in my 175 gallon tank for a day
now and not surprisingly it won't eat and it is very sluggish
though mobile, taking laps around the tank occasionally. <The last
behavior leads me to have hope...> I wonder if any of you know what
types of stress tropical marine fish can take and what the prognosis
for such a fish is and what I can do to maximize chances of keeping it
alive and even better acting like the bold, curious fish it is supposed
to be. It really is very sad seeing such a beautiful fish like this
fall apart. Thanks, Omar. <I'd keep the lights off to low... if
you have to for other livestock... and not be overly concerned if the
fish doesn't feed, do much of anything for a few days. Again, the
swimming about behavior is a good sign. Bob Fenner, who did collect
this and other "key" (i.e. expensive) species al sur off and
on for decades.> Question on clarion angelfish ? 9/28/07 Hello Bob, my name is John Coppolino and I'm a 30 year old avid reef aquarist that's been in the hobby long enough to remember the days when clarion angels cost about 1/3 of asfur angels from the Red Sea. I give a talk on rare angelfish (including IMAC next year where it looks we'll both be!) and have some questions for you regarding Holacanthus clarionensis. I read that you've witnessed these near Cabo San Lucas as many others have. Do you believe these to be waifs, or are there breeding populations there, outside of the Revillagigedos? <I think they are so few, not many mature animals... that they are indeed waifs> I recently met up with Gerry Allen and may have dinner with him when he is in town next week, and have read of his first hand accounts of this species at Clipperton (ah... visions of these hybridising with Clipperton's dance in my head :), where they are very rare and probably waifs. Also, with what frequency have you seen H. clarionensis/ H. passer hybrids? <I have only seen two... none in the wild> I know full well that collection of this species in the Revillagigedos is cut off, but is > the species protected from collection everywhere in > Mexico, or is it protected from export? <Don't think it's protected period currently... Just need collecting, transport and import licensing...> Thanks in > advance for your insight, and I look forward to > meeting up with you at IMAC. John > <Cheers, Bob Fenner> Live Sand Storage and Passer Angel... sel., dis. 8/3/07 Hi Crew, I just set up a 125 a few weeks ago for a Passer Angel I bought that is 10 inches. <Needs a world of more than twice this size... and large angels (for the species) are indeed not often good-adaptors to captive conditions... Best to start with a "medium size"...> I first saw him when I went to look for a Marine Betta that he was housed with and he bit off the Bettas tail right before I bought him. I still bought the Betta and his tail grew back plus the clerk cut 10.00 bucks off the price. He will not be having a rematch since they will be in separate tanks. I have the Passer in a QT tank of 50 gallons and he came down with velvet? <...> The pet store held him for a month for me and I bring him home and he gets velvet in a week? <Maybe... where is the parasite coming from?> This has happened in the past with all Angels I have bought? None of the other fish ever get it? <???> Yesterday I freshwater dipped him and today it was coming back and freshwater dipped him again and put him in another QT tank or hospital tank for his 15 day copper treatment. 125 should be done cycling by then. He looks healed after the freshwater dip and Im shocked how fast it comes back. In my QT tank I understand the copper will kill my bio filtration. How much of a water change should I do to keep water decent and how often? <As much as necessary. See WWM re> Also would I be better off using cycled water or premixed water for the water change? <The former... if you can be assured that it is parasite-free> One last question and Im sorry for be long winded. I bought a used 90 gallon just for the filtration because it was to good to pass up. The live sand I don't need right now and was wondering how I should store it? <Yes... but not as such. That is, it won't be very live with time going by in storage... and will need good rinsing, perhaps bleaching and dechlorinating ahead of future use> I see it in bags in stores but not sure if that's the right way. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I thank all you guys for making this complicated hobby make since! Rick <A bit of a definition difference. There are sand products that tout being "live"... but this is a bit of a misnomer... They may be primed for bacterial population growth, but definitely lack higher phyla presence. Bob Fenner> Passer angel compatibility 7/20/07
Hello to Bob and crew, I have a Passer Angel on reserve for me at the
local fish store, and I have a few questions about compatibility. First
the tank is 125G long (6') with a wet/dry filter with UV and
protein skimmer as well as 80lbs of live rock in the tank. Yes, I am
expecting to upgrade in a year or so. Although I think I would be fine
with the wet/dry, I have started the project of turning the wet/dry
into a sump/fuge and should have that done shortly. The tank has been
up for about six months and currently holds a Foxface Lo, Longfin Goby,
and cleanup crew. On to the fish list; the Passer is 4-5" and has
been at the LFS for more then two months. It has survived Popeye from
its initial shipment into the store and the stores system going through
an ich outbreak and subsequent copper treatment. The Passer is eating
well and quite personable. I swear the other day when I went to look at
him he came up to the front of the tank to say hello. After getting the
Passer acclimated to his new home, I would like to add a trigger and a
tang. Would I be ok adding a Hawaiian Black Trigger in a few months and
then a tang, looking at red sea sailfin, powder brown, or yellow, a few
weeks to month after that? Thanks for your help and I appreciate all
the knowledge I have already learned off your website. James from TN
>>>Greetings James, Jim here. Passers are very aggressive
fish, and should almost always be added to the tank last, even when we
consider that you're going to add a trigger (which normally should
be the last fish added). Best Regards Jim<<< Angel, passer sexing 4/14/06 Dear Bob
<Alan> I am a marine aquarist of some 30 years, living in South
Africa. <Greetings to you> I purchased a Holacanthus passer six
months ago, <Wow... a long way from its TEP "home"> and
have just purchased a 180 gallon aquarium for the fish, which is
currently growing up in a 63 gallon. The passer is approximately 11 cm
in length and has slowly begun to change to adult colouration.
<Gorgeous> The fish has yellow pelvic fins, and I would be really
keen to know its sex. Half of the literature I read says that males
have white pelvic fins, and the other half indicates that females have
white. Which is correct? <You know... I don't think/believe
either is. Have seen this fish in S. Baja, along Nicaragua, Costa Rica,
the Galapagos (in huge numbers), collected it commercially in the Islas
Revillagigedos... and there did not appear to be a consistent sexually
dichromic pattern> I would dearly like to attempt to house a pair in
the 180 gallon. <Mmm, this is really too small a system for this...
Perhaps a 300 plus... or just having an "adult" and another
much small sub-adult specimen> Many thanks in advance. My best Alan
Jardine <Welcome. Bob Fenner> Looking for Passer angels I have started a new business and are trying to find a good wholesaler in Mexico that could give me a good price on passer angels could you help me <for their nearby collection to you in the Sea of Cortez you should be able to find someone in Mexico to ship these to you. I know of none... perhaps Bob does. Else, inquire at these US places- http://www.qualitymarineusa.com/home.html http://www.themarinecenter.com/ kind regards, Anthony> Re: Mexican ban on collecting fish I thought there was. Why are there no clarions that come on down to the trade then? <Ahh, this I can answer, as our old co.s used to be involved in the collection, distribution of marines al sur (we are in California, U.S.A.). The only regular station in operation is in southern Baja (run by Steven Robinson), and not further south (as in the Islas Revillagigedos... Socorro, San Benedicto Islands...) where the Clarion is much more common. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/holacanthus/clarionensis.htm A few specimens do get caught out of Baja... these are promptly shipped to the higher bidders, usually in the orient. You might contact the fine folks at the Marine Center (.com) re prospects of ordering one. Bob Fenner> Angels Del Mar (TEP Mexico) Man why does Mexico have a ban on collecting fish? Do you know how long this will stay like this? I hope they let people start collecting there, I want a clarion so bad its scary but there outrageous prices scare me away even if i would see one for sale anywhere. What other rare angels live in the Mexico waters? Thanks! <Is there a new ban? As far as I'm aware, no. There are three species of Angelfishes that originate along their Eastern Pacific coast... the Clarion, King, and Passer... You can read about these here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/tepfwgv1.htm Bob Fenner> Passer Angel I was wondering about my passer angel. I just got it last Sunday (the 25th, I think) and it is getting along wonderfully with my maculosus and black durgeon. I noticed that the water in the bag it came in had some left over food in it. About a day or two after it went into the tank, I noticed what I believed to be rapid gill movements. Tim Koberg from FFExpress suggested that I lower the temp of my tank from 80 deg to 76 deg. His reasoning was that the passer is collected from cooler water. So I did that. he did say that if problems still persisted then it was prolly a gill parasite but that a "strong, healthy fish like a passer should be able to fight it off w/o medication" My passer never seems scared, swims fast and all the time and gets his far share of the food. I feed three times a day, Angel formula, trigger formula, and formula 2 and the passer is as big a pig as my other two fish. However, I have noticed him scratching. I DO NOT see and visible parasites and I actually think his gill movements may have returned to normal. What do you think? Should I do a fresh water dip? Should I install a UV sterilizer that I have in non-use in my basement? Any advice would be appreciated. Have a good holiday- Yaron >> >> TK's advice seems sound... and/but it's too late for a dip... what happened to quarantining the new livestock? I would attach the UV and hope for the best at this point. Bob Fenner Passer Angel I recently wrote to about what types of food to feed my Passer Angel. He was eating a variety of frozen foods and "popcorn" shrimp. He has now stopped eating and gone into hiding. He has very rapid gill movements and his swimming is very sporadic. He does not have any external parasites or markings that I can see. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. >> Do you suspect some sort of "gill parasite"? Did you introduce something to the system that might have brought this in? Do you have any biological cleaners? This angel will "present" itself to unfamiliar ones... I would place them... maybe Lysmata Shrimp(s). Or, another real possibility... some form of chemical poisoning/trauma... a very large water change, change in salt mix, loss of protocol of pre-mixing before use... utilization of a "medication", "supplement" that could well have "burned" the animals gills.... Do you have the fish in a system with Live Rock? I would... and wait a good week w/o "doing" anything (don't move, dip, net the fish) and see if the situation solves itself. Better to be a patient observer at this point. Bob Fenner Passer angel I have a 75 gallon fish-only system that has
been running about 8 months. I have a wet/dry filtration system
with a built-in-protein skimmer. I recently purchased a Passer
(King) Angelfish and a Harlequin Sweetlips. I am having a hard
time finding foods that they will eat. The Passer will take
brine shrimp and blood worms, but the Sweetlips will not eat
anything. What foods do you recommend? >> Actually, I would
return the Sweetlips (Plectorhinchus spp.)... my least favorite group of
grunts (family Haemulidae)... they rarely eat anything in captivity...
have the worst score for historical survivability... Try some of
the frozen "Angel" foods to get the Passer eating prepared
foods... it will soon be accepting most any/everything. Bob Fenner,
whose many survey pieces on suitable and not species can be found on
the URL: www.wetwebmedia.com
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