FAQs: Moorish Idols 1, Moorish Idols
2, & FAQs on: Moorish Idol
Identification, Moorish Idol
Behavior, Moorish Idol
Compatibility, Moorish Idol
Selection, Moorish Idol
Systems, Moorish Idol
Feeding, Moorish Idol
Health, Moorish Idol Reproduction,
Related Articles:
/The Conscientious Marine
The Moorish Idol,
Zanclus cornutus, Family Zanclidae

Bob Fenner |
Zanclus cornutus (Linnaeus 1758), the
Moorish Idol. Indo-Pacific. Can be kept in captivity, though
rarely lives due to trauma in capture, holding, shipping,
starvation during this time, damage to their mouths... Omnivores
that mainly feed on benthic invertebrates. Principally sponges...
and algae. Adults have a prominent spine in front of their eyes
that is larger in males. One off of Queensland, Australia, another
off the Galapagos. |
