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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Ctenochaetus binotatus Randall 1955, the Blue-Eye or Two-Spot
Bristletooth for the two dark areas at the rear of the dorsal and anal fin
bases. Sometimes brought in from the Philippines. A three inch juv. here in
Fiji 2017 |

Zanclus cornutus (Linnaeus 1758), the Moorish Idol.
Indo-Pacific. Can be kept in captivity, though rarely lives due to
trauma in capture, holding, shipping, starvation during this time,
damage to their mouths... Omnivores that mainly feed on benthic
invertebrates. Principally sponges... and algae. Adults have a prominent
spine in front of their eyes that is larger in males. A few inch juv. in
S. Fiji 2017 |
.JPG) |
Centropyge flavicauda
Fraser-Brunner 1933, the Damsel or White-Tail Dwarf Angel (2), is
rarely seen in the trade; one of the dwarf-dwarf angels, growing
to only a couple of inches in length. Indo-west and central
Pacific. S. Fiji 2017 |
.JPG) |
Pseudanthias squamipinnis (Peters 1855), the Lyretail
Anthias. Red Sea to western Pacific. To four and a half inches in
length. A tough, but sometimes mean aquarium species. Males are lavendar
colored in Fiji for some reason... females can become males (the species
is protandrous, synchronous hermaphroditic) S. Fiji 2017 |