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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
The Decorated Goby, Istigobius decoratus
(Herre 1927) in the Red Sea Honeycombed pattern on upper body, with
two horizontal rows of black spots below. Dorsal fin heavily spotted. To about five inches in length
and found from the Red Sea to Micronesia. Mauritius 2016 |
Aspidontus dussumieri (Valenciennes 1836),
the Lance or Floating Blenny. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea, East Africa to Micronesia.
Adults develop trailing caudal filaments. To 12 cm. Shy, often backing into holes to hide;
and not much of a fish or diver biter. Here in Mauritius 2016. |
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Aspidontus dussumieri (Valenciennes 1836),
the Lance or Floating Blenny. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea, East Africa to Micronesia.
Adults develop trailing caudal filaments. To 12 cm. Shy, often backing into holes to hide;
and not much of a fish or diver biter. Here in Mauritius 2016. |
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Plagiotemus tapeinosoma (Bleeker 1857), the Piano Fangblenny.
Live by biting scales et al. off other reef fishes, and occasionally nip
hapless divers. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea to the Line Islands. To five and a half inches in
length. Mauritius 2016 |