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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Ctenochaetus truncatus the Indian Ocean Spotted or Goldring
Bristletooth (replaced by C. strigosus in the Pac.). Overall yellow-brown to
darker; with distinct pale spots, brighter anteriorly. Live just above reef
in small groups/associations, mainly in Acropora fields that they dart into
for safety. 5-30 m. To seven inches, 18 cm. Juveniles are bright yellow.
Mauritius pic 2016. |
Ctenochaetus striatus
(Quoy & Gaimard 1828) the Striped Bristletooth, is the one
member of the genus found extending into the Red Sea (but also
found in the Indo-Pacific to Oceania and the I.O.); it is the most
frequently imported species in Europe. It's body color is
overall drab olive sporting wavy blue lines (see them in the dorsal fin?).
Small orange dots are sprinkled on the head. Mauritius pic 2016.
.JPG) |
Paracanthurus hepatus (Linnaeus 1766), the
(Pacific) Yellow-Tailed Blue, Palette, Regal, or Hepatus Tang.
Indo-Pacific; East Africa to the Line Islands. Found in loose
aggregations near Pocillopora corals in which they dive into to
hide. To a foot long in the wild, rarely more than half that in
captivity. A zooplankton feeder principally, feeding on microalgae
secondarily. Mauritius pic 2016.
Zebrasoma scopas (Cuvier 1829), the Brown
or better, Two-Tone Sailfin Tang. The former common name can be a
bit of a misnomer; I have seen scopas specimens as
brightly yellow as a flavescens and as dark as a
rostratum. As young they're different still, with
light colored fronts grading to dark variable spots and lines.
Occasional "dirty" or mixed-color crosses between the
brown and Z. flavescens are encountered along their contiguous
distributions. Widely ranging in the Indo-Pacific. Mauritius pic 2016.