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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Gymnangium speciosum, Slender
Feather Hydroid. Found on reef tops in areas of good water quality and
current. 2.5-5" tall. Tropical W. Atlantic. Here in Cozumel 2016 |
Gymnangium longicauda, Feather Hydroid. 3 1/2 to 12" tall. Thin,
close-spaced individual branches with whitish branchlets. Found
worldwide in tropical seas. Cozumel 2016 |
Agaricia cucullata, Sunray Lettuce Coral. Saucers/plates w/
distinctive (ray like the sun) septal lines running to the edge.
Corallites are tucked into ridges like no other member of the genus.
Tropical W. Atlantic. Here in Cozumel 2016 |
Montastrea annularis (Ellis and Solander 1786), Lobed Star
Coral. Tropical West Atlantic. To ten feet tall. Common. Found as
clusters of columns with domed tops. Living polyps on upper areas of
colonies, dead, eroded below. Corallites appear as uniform in size,
shape. Conical to flush with colony surface. Longer and short septa
alternate, small, compact columellae. Here in Cozumel 2016 |