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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Paguristes erythrops, the Red-banded
Hermit Crab. Tropical West Atlantic. To four inches in length. Claws about
the same length with red spots or bands. Antennae are golden, eyes blue. Here in Cozumel 2016 |
Clypeaster subdepressus, the Sand Dollar.
Filter feeders that live under the sand by day, emerging at night
to feed generally. 3/4 inch diameter. Tropical West Atlantic.
Cozumel 2016 image. |
.JPG) |
Phidiana lynceus, Lynx Nudibranch. Cerata, tentacles and
rhinophores are brown, tipped white. Trop. W. Atl. To an inch in length.
This one a few mm. Cozumel 2016 |
.JPG) |
Pinna carnea, the Amber Penshell. Found singly in mud, sand,
interspersed between rocks on reefs, fore-reefs. Look like their thin
shells were stuck in the sand facing up, slightly agape. Tropical west
Atlantic. Cozumel 2016 |