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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Stegastes rectifraenum (Gill 1862),
the Cortez Gregory. A bright blue beauty of the Sea of Cortez, twixt
Mexico's Baja and Pacific shore as a juvenile... whose metallic luster
breaks up and becomes dull to dark brown as an adult. To three and a half
inches in length. Adult in Cabo 2016 |
Cephalopholis panamensis (Steindachner
1877), the Panamic Graysby, Cabrilla. Eastern Pacific; Sea of Cortez to
Ecuador, Galapagos. To twelve inches in length.
Adult in Cabo 2016 |
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Tetraclita stalactifera; Volcano Barnacle. Large, four-sided
thatched barnacle. Occurs in colors of gray, green, blue. Several
species through its eastern Pacific range. These ones in Cabo 2016
overgrown w/ red algae. |
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Gorgonia adamsi, the Red Sea Fan. Red, interconnected wide spaced
branches (about two branches wide spaces); w/ distinctive white polyps.
To about a foot in height; and 120 feet depths. Sea of Cortez distr.
Here in Cabo 2016. |