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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Ogcocephalus parvus, The Roughback
Batfish. Tropical West Atlantic, usually 2-3 inches; 4 max. Typically
deepwater, this one was found at full size in Cozumel, 2016 in about fifty
feet of water. |
Sphoeroides spengleri (Bloch 1785), the
Bandtail Puffer. Central and western Atlantic. Brackish and marine. To
seven inches long. This one about four inches, in Cozumel, 2016. |
.JPG) |
Cantherhines macrocerus (Hollard 1854), the Orange Filefish in
the pet trade is called the American Whitespotted Filefish in the
sciences... unfortunately, in part because it occurs on both coasts of
the tropical Atlantic. One of the more common Filefish offerings in the
world of aquariums. To twenty-six inches in length. Cozumel, 2016. |
Eunicea calyculata, Ellis & Solander 1786, the Warty Eunicea.
Cozumel, 2016. A little, "starter" colony |