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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
The Blue Line, Rippled Triggerfish ("Yellow-Spotted
Triggerfish" to science), Pseudobalistes fuscus
(Bloch & Schneider 1801). Indo-Pacific, Red Sea, east African coast to
South Africa. To twenty two inches in length; this one about four. Mauritius 2016 |
Trachyrhamphus bioarctatus Double-ended or Bent stick Pipefish.
To 40 cm. Multiple colors, but often dark brown and black mottled. Tiny
caudal. Zooplankton feeder. Indo-W. Pacific, Red Sea, E. Africa. Here in
Mauritius in 2016 |
.JPG) |
Solenostomus cyanopterus Bleeker 1854, the
Robust or Longfin Ghost Pipefish. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea, East
Africa to Fiji, Australia. To six inches in length. Color variable.
Most are brown, but may be black, green, matching seaweed, seagrass
for camouflage. Females larger as they brood eggs in this family. Here
in Mauritius in 2016 |
.JPG) |
Genus Sinularia: Thin flattened sheets to knobby fingers, to
almost flaccid tree-like branchings... Sinularia spp. Many not identified to
species members of this genus exist and are casually retailed as such.
Here in Mauritius in 2016 |