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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Cyprinocirrhites polyactis (Bleeker 1874),
the Swallowtail Hawkfish. Indo-West Pacific around corner of South
Africa into the Atlantic; east Africa to the western Pacific. To
six inches in length. Usually not detected, swimming amongst
Damselfishes, sometimes Anthiines a few meters off the bottom/reef.
Planktonic feeder on crustaceans. Mauritius 2016. |

Parapercis punctulata the Spotted Sandperch. To six
inches. Red blotches along the lower part of the body. Spiny dorsal w/ red,
yellow margin. Distribution only in S.W. I.O. Mauritius 2016. Di pic. This
one up off the usual bottom, resting on some Padina/Scroll (Brown)
algae. |
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Gnathodentex aureolineatus (Lacepede 1802), the Striped
Large-Eyed Bream. Indo-Pacific. To one foot in length in the wild. Feeds
at night on crustaceans and the occasional small fish. Found in various
parts of the reef, sometimes in aggregations of a hundred or so
individuals. Specimens shown in Mauritius 2016. |
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Malacanthus latovittatus (Lacepede
1801), the Blue Blanquillo. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea, east Africa to the
Hawaiian Islands, but not off Australia. To eighteen inches in length.
An adult in
Mauritius 2016. |