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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Cespitularia erecta Macfadyen, 1936.
Mauritius 2016 |
Cespitularia erecta Macfadyen, 1936. Mauritius 2016 |
.JPG) |
Chromis chrysura (Bliss 1883), the Stout Chromis. Indo-West
Pacific; including E. Africa, but not the Red Sea. This juvenile
identified by Anthony Gill, in Mauritius 2016.
Genus Platygyra Ehrenberg 1834. Brain Corals. Massive
colonies that are either flat or rough boulder-like. Centers of
corallites (columellae) are sponge-like. If you look closely you
can see rows of mouths along the valleys. Di pic,
Mauritius 2016.