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Bird's Nest Coral, Caliendrum becomes white
6/17/06 Hello, first of all I want You to Know I am Italian so my
English is quite (not to say very) poor. excuse me for next errors.
Thanks. <I wish all "native" English speakers were as
literate and gracious. Thank you> As write in the title in my tank
there is a little fragment of Seriatopora caliendrum (dimension like an
apricot to give an idea) that is becoming with from the center to the
tips, even if it continues its tips growth. Tips are brown (the very
top are white because of the growth) becoming brighter and brighter to
the centre of the branches until the white of the skeleton is visible.
Tissue seems to be in place (even if you can see through) and so the
polyps do but all zooxanthellae had gone. <Yes... this appearance is
typical of wild, healthy specimens...> Tank set up: 85 litres full
of rock coming from my old big tank, 1/2 inc aragonite
sugar from old tank, 150W HQI 10000K, 4000 litres per hour
global movement and Tunze 3110 skimmer. Temp regulate by heater and fan
with digital controller 27-28 Celsius. Refill with CaOH. water change
weekly 10%. I have an upstream refugium of about 40 litre. DSB,
Chaetomorpha growing quite fast and Xenia inside. Light if it's
interesting 2x24W 3100K + 1X24W Blue. No fish in tank, only 2 Lysmata
amboinensis 2 hermit crab, many snails. Only a Synchiropus ocellatus in
refugium (I take it to save it from another horror tank) long a little
more than 1 inc. What do You think about this disease ? Have You ever
eared about something like that ? Thank You for your answer. Marco
Nanni Italy <I don't think you have a problem here Marco. Take a
look on the Net re this species appearance in the wild. What you
describe is a healthy colony. Mine here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/pocilloporidae.htm If
anything, I might increase your weekly dosage of Iodine/Lugol's
with your water changes. Bob Fenner> |
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