FAQs about Red Algae/Rhodophyte Identification
Related Articles: Red
Algae in General, Coralline Marine
Algae, Avoiding
Algae Problems in Marine
System, Algae
Control, Marine Maintenance,
Marine Scavengers, Snails, Hermit
Crabs, Mithrax/Emerald
Green Crabs, Sea Urchins, Blennies, Algae
Filters, Ctenochaetus/Bristle Mouth
Tangs, Zebrasoma/Sailfin Tangs,
Skimmers, Skimmer Selection, Marine Algae, Coralline Algae, Green Algae, Brown
Algae, Blue-Green
"Algae"/(Cyanobacteria), Diatoms, Brown
Algae, Algae as
Related FAQs: Red Algae
ID 1, Red Algae ID 2, Red Algae ID 4, Red
Algae ID5, & Red Algae 1,
Red Algae 2, Red Algae 3, Red
Algae in General, Red Algae 2, Red
Algae 3, Red Algae Behavior,
Red Algae Compatibility,
Red Algae Selection, Red Algae Systems, Red Algae Nutrition, Red Algae Disease, Red Algae Reproduction/Propagation,
Algae, Marine Macro-Algae, Use
in Aquariums, Algae as
Food, Marine Algae ID 1,
Marine Algae ID 2, Marine Algae Control FAQs II, Marine Algaecide Use, Nutrient Limitation, Marine Algae Eaters, Culturing Macro-Algae; Controlling: BGA/Cyano, Red/Encrusting Algae, Green Algae, Brown/Diatom Algae,

New Print and
eBook on Amazon
Marine Aquarium Algae Control
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Re: Macro Algae ?? 7/22/07 Ok I've tried to get
a better picture I didn't reduce this one to 50% as I did on
the last one. I'm sorry if its too large. To the touch the
leaves feel like lettuce I was able to find a pic close to this,
but not quite, I had searched under Bryozoan after I found
nothing but common red bubble algae under Rhodophyte. <Is
such... from your further desc., and photo> I have no worries
since this thing creates so much awe, Although it has overtaken a
couple small mushrooms that are much less impressive. Its great
to see my question was answered by the great BF. Not that hearing
from Eric or the others who have helped me in the past would be
any less informative. Thanks for the insight . . . Dave
<Heeee! Well, the not-so-great BF is out in HI, away from his
in-print reference works... this is assuredly a Red algae... but
what family, genus? I'd enjoy it... perhaps make cuttings,
sell to the local shops. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Macro Algae ?? Red, ID f', now
prop. -- 07/22/07 Cuttings?? Like I clone a
plant?? or coral? where would I cut it? <Yes...> Way down
in the center where the leaves bunch together? <Yes> or
could I just cut or divide a leaf? My wife's gonna freak,
like when I tried to convince her into dividing our Xeniids.
<Just don't let her divide the dog or cat> "Oooh
they're soo nice Your gonna ruin them!!" Now we have
anthelia and Xeniids almost becoming a beautiful nuisance in all
of our many systems. I digress.. Please tell how you would divide
it Ill sure try <Not hard to do. BobF>
Re: Macro Algae ?? Red, ID f', now
prop. -- 07/22/07 What should I attach it to and
will it grow onto anything like a soft coral would? <I would
pierce and either tie (thread) or pin (a plastic toothpick) a
"blade" or two to a piece of coral skeleton or small
rock. BobF>

What is this red thing? A Red
Macroalga 7/19/07 Hi. <Hi Pam, Mich here.>
This small red thing appeared in my tank a few days ago, and has
started to grow. (see attached pic or link below) <I see it.>
I think it's cool looking, but is it a bad algae that I should
remove, or good macro algae? <Looks like a good guy! I would try
to keep/encourage to grow. Could be Halymenia or Nitophyllum or
several other Macroalgae.> You may not be able to tell from the
photo, but whatever it is, it's standing up on the rock and
flowing in the current like a coral would do. <Very pretty!
Enjoy it!> Thanks!
Pam |

Mystery Red Algae...Red Hair Algae
(Polysiphonia) -- 07/18/07 Hello again, <Hi Michael, Mich
here.> My name is Michael and I have a quick question about
some strange red algae I found. I recently got some Chaetomorpha
algae online and noticed that there are some small patches of red
algae in it. The seller assured me that the red algae is harmless
and won't spread but I thought it was worth asking about
before I put it in my tank. <Better safe than sorry.> As
you can see, it's very thin and resembles hair algae, grows
in tufts, seems to be somewhat free floating, and is
reddish/orange in color. The reason I ask is because I know some
types of red algae can be a big problem and after a look through
your archives and online I was unable to find any information on
algae that looks like this. Do you have any idea of what it is
and if it is a nuisance alga? <Does look like red hair algae
(Polysiphonia) to me and I would not add this to my system.>
Thanks for your time and sorry if this has been answered before,
<No worries! In the future, please capitalize your
"i"s. Thanks! Mich> Michael.
Re: Mystery Red Algae...Red Hair Algae
(Polysiphonia) 7/19/07 <Hello Michael, Mich
with you again.> Thank you for your quick response. <You
are most welcome!> At this point it is sitting in a quarantine
tank and I was wondering if it is worth trying to remove the red
algae from the Chaetomorpha or if I should just dump out the
whole thing and get some new, clean Chaeto? <I think I would
dump it. It's not worth the risk to me personally, and you
very well may be able to find a local reefer who would gladly
donate some to you!> The red algae seems like pretty nasty
stuff since it breaks apart into microscopic pieces when I try to
remove it manually but one site said turbo snails might be able
to take care of it. <I would error on the side of caution.>
Sorry for not asking this before <No worries!> and thanks
for your time and help, <You are quite welcome! Mich>

Hey again.... mind if I ask you an ID? 7/13/07
Howdy! Hope your doing great! :) I have some purple/blue/teal
macro that is really beautiful and seems to be growing very
quickly. Pics attached. I have searched and read anything I can
get my hand on to find this stuff but no luck. At first I thought
maybe a odd Dictyota sp. I have some red Dictyota in my tank and
this is not flat like the red is. I just cant place it. Thanks,
and are you heading to AZ anytime soon, I think I owe ya a beer
or 4. :D <Mmm, is a Rhodophyte of some sort:
http://wetwebmedia.com/redalgae.htm Perhaps a Rhodymenia species.
Cheers, BobF out in HI, no plans on AZ as yet>
Re: Hey again.... mind if I ask you an ID?
Rhod. 7/15/07 HEY, me again, SOOO funny I
was browsing your invert book Fenner/Calfo one and its in there!
OCHTODES, is what that purple macro is. Anyways thanks again and
please let me know if your up for a trip to AZ. There is a new
club like DMS but MUCH larger, I think over 100 people now and I
would love for you to come out be a guest at my house if you
wanted to and speak to the group. Let me know if and when you
have some free time! Thanks again! Adrian <Thank you for this
offer. Don't know when, but I do hope to make it back out
sometime soon. Cheers, BobF>

ID of some red algae 7/5/07 Hi Crew! <Hi
there, Mich here.> Just wondering if you can ID this red algae
for me. <Perhaps, looks/sounds like Gelidiopsis AKA wire algae.
The filaments are typically wiry and tough. > It's spreading
slowly, but spreading just the same. <They often do that.
Gelidiopsis is typically slow growing.> I have already cut my
feedings in half to control nutrients. <A good place to start. A
refugium with macro algae could help. Please read here and check
out the related link in blue
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/refugium.htm > I perform 15% water
changes weekly. <Excellent.> I also tried a toothbrush to
scrub it off and it doesn't come off easy. <Will likely just
spread it more... May actually be better to remove a very thin
layer off the surface of you live rock using a chisel in an attempt
to remove all traces of the algae.> Inhabitants: 2 dwarf feather
dusters, maroon and gold clown, yellow watchman goby, 15 turbo
snails, <A lot for such a small tank. Turbos are obligate
herbivores and may well starve in this tiny system. Consider
trading (with a friend or LFS) for some different type of snails.
Nassarius snails will scavenge on meaty foods and Ceriths are great
detritivores but require a deep sand bed.> 10 scarlet hermits,
<Mmm, not a fan. They will prey on many beneficial reef
critters.> yellow polyps, scarlet cleaner shrimp. Tank size is
30 gallons and will be upgrading to 120 gallon in the near future.
<Congrats!> Both fish are juveniles. <Fine for now, but
they will enjoy the space provided by the 120 gallon. Mich> |

ID: Red Macro Algae Hello Crew, <Hi there
Steven! Mich here.> I am sending you a photo of something that
has appeared in my 40 gal. reef tank. Please note the red thing
growing on the mushroom rock in the center of the photo. That
mushroom rock has been in my tank for over 2 years. Just recently
though I moved it from a low light area to a direct light area.
Very quickly that red thing showed up and then began to grow. The
red translucent growth is only about 2 months old, it is growing
very rapidly. I'm not sure if it is a macro algae or a coral,
or something else. I am doubting that it is a sponge due to its
photosynthetic nature. I have scoured the net looking to id this
thing, please help. <Hopefully this will help you. It is a
definitely a red Macro algae and is generally considered desirable.
More here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/redalgae.htm It looks similar
to Nemastoma to me, but I don't know if that is truly what it
is. You could spend hours on www.algaebase.org comparing if you so
desire. Mich> Steven |

Macro or plant ID 5/16/07
Hello and thanks for your time <Howdy and welcome> I have had
this nano up and running for 3 months and about three weeks ago I
put in a few zoanthid frags that I got from a local
guy. Anyway about a week or so ago I found this algae or
plant growing on one of the rocks. It is purplish in
color and fleshy to the touch, almost like the skin on a
peach. I have attached a photo of it as
well. The zoanthids on the side are closed up because I
had to take the rock out of the tank to get a good close up in the
pic but I thought it would be a good reference point as to the size
of the plant or algae, but that was luck lol. Again thanks for your
time Doug <I make this out to be a Botryocladia species of some
sort. Bob Fenner> |

New Print and
eBook on Amazon
Marine Aquarium Algae Control
by Robert (Bob) Fenner