FAQs about Skimmer Pump
Related FAQs: Best Skimmer Op./Maint. FAQs, Skimmer Maintenance, Skimmer Operation/Maintenance 2, Skimmer Op/Maint. 3, Skimmer Op/Maint. 4, Skimmer Op/Maint. 5, Skimmer Op/Maint. 6, Skimmer Op/Maint 7, Skimmer Op/Maint. 8, Skimmer Selection 9, Skimmer Op/Maint 10, Skimmer Op/Maint 11, Skimmer Op/Maint 12, Skimmer Op/Maint 14, Skimmer Op/Maint 15, Skimmer Op/Maint 16, Best Skimmer FAQs, Skimmers 2, To Skim or Not to Skim, Best Skimmer Selection FAQs, Skimmer Selection, Skimmer Selection 2, Skimmer Selection
3, Skimmer Selection 4, Skimmer Selection 5, Skimmer Selection 6, Skimmer Selection 7, DIY Skimmers,
Hang-On Models, Algae Control, CPR Skimmers, Deltec Skimmers,
ETSS Skimmers,
Euro-Reef Skimmers, Prizm Skimmers, SeaClone Skimmers,
Skimmers for
Eclipse Systems, Skimmers for
Small Systems, Skilter
Skimmers, Tunze
Skimmers, Algae Control
Related Articles: Skimmers by Steven Pro,
Skimmer Impressions By
Steven Pro, Marine
Filtration, Mechanical, Physical & Chemical, and FAQs
All life appreciates optimized, stable
Impeller for EHEIM Skimmer Pump 1260
Hi Guys
Could anyone help me to locate an impeller for an EHEIM skimmer pump
type 1260.
It is mounted on a Deltec Skimmer and has needles on the impeller
(presumably to aerate the water)
Thank You
Peter Vichos
<Mmm; if your local fish store/s can/t order it for you, I'd contact
Eheim directly. I see your email addy ends in .za
so I take it you're in South Africa. I'd next try ordering from Deltec
in the UK:
See their contact and Worldwide Partners link at top?
Or other dealer there:
Otherwise, Germany itself.
Bob Fenner, who lives in CA and would order from Marine Depot or Live
Aquaria in the US>
Canister into Skimmer. Pumps for skimmers f'
Hi all!
<Hey Tim>
I was thinking of finding a canister filter, with a gph rating (at the
head) that matches my MJ1200 pump's rate, and plumbing it into the
intake of my Remora S.
<Mmm; this will not likely work... after the canister filter, there will
be too low pressure, and decreasing as time, filter clean cycle goes by.
What you want, need is a dedicated pump for your skimmer>
Can't see a reason why it wouldn't work. My skimmer needs water flowing
at a certain rate, it shouldn't matter where it's being delivered from.
Am I missing anything, here?
<As stated. Won't work>
Thanks much,
<Part of the reason canister filters are useful is their low head and
flow characteristics... You need pressure, and steady, for a foam
Bob Fenner>
Quiet pump. No, really. For skimmer 3/3/16
Hi again!
<Yes; Tim>
My pump on my Remora S is louder inside my tank than I would like. I
like to make it quiet for the gang.
It's functioning properly, and not overly loud, but I wonder, is there
is a pump that is truly quiet?
Not quiet from the outside, or in the next room, or "better than my last
one" quiet. But, actually quiet.
I mean a low decibel rating that is quiet by actual standards measuring
sound, not by the internet's arbitrary amalgamations of opinions based
on anecdotal impressions.
Has the quietest pump been determined? If there's a contest, I want to
buy the winner.
<Likely the Eheim line... there are some nominally as quiet, but more
costly manufacturers. Oh, see WWM re "Pumps for skimmers" FAQs>
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
AquaC EV-180 Skimmer…Input/Output Placement – 09/03/14
Hello Crew,
<<Hey Ed>>
I had a question regarding the placement of the skimmer output in relation to my
trigger systems sump. Would it be best to have the input of the skimmer in the
first compartment with the Mag 7 pump taking in the raw water from the display
tank via overflow and then have the output of the skimmer going into the middle
compartment where I will have my miracle mud and Chaetomorpha? Or should I house
both intake and output of the skimmer in the first compartment?
<<The skimmer input pump should definitely be in the first compartment drawing
raw tank water as you described…and away from your refugium critters. The output
is a matter of efficiency/convenience here…were it me, I would just let it drain
out to the first compartment as well>>
<<Happy to share… EricR>>
Sedra 3500 Alternative for Jeff and Rob's EuroReef
skimmers... 11/7/12
I run a Euro-Reef RS80 which works well enough but I am tired of
replacing the Sedra 3500 pumps. The impellers rust internally which
causes them to crack and swell. They also leak current after a while
which trips a GFCI.
<Aye... I told the Macare family that makes/made these MANY times I
would NOT have switched to this line of pumps, but stayed w/ (the albeit
more expensive to purchase) Eheim line>
Is there a suitable replacement available?
<Yes; quite a few>
Sicce, Tunze, and OceanRunner are a few of the possibilities but no one
seems to know if any alternative pump will fit without major
Would a 6" NWB 150 Reef Octopus be a better way to go?
<Would be; but I'd go w/ the Eheim...>
Thanks for your help,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Deltec MCE600, skimmer mod. q. 7/6/12
<Hello Rico>
May I ask if it is possible to change the AB pump inside Deltec MCE600
skimmer to Tunze Hydroformer silence to increase performance?
<The MCE600 is a pretty good skimmer out of the box. If the Tunze
Hydroformer could be adapted to the Deltec, I don't believe any improved
performance would justify the cost.>
Would a model Eheim 1260 with needle wheel impeller "external-ize" the
<I do not know this, but skimmers are generally designed around a given
water flow. The Eheim
or Tunze may put out too much flow.>
Are there any mods available for MCE600 to improve performance?
<I'm not aware of any.>
Thank you.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Best Wishes,
Pump Selection For Remora Pro - 06/01/12
Good afternoon crew,
<<Good Morning Alicia>>
I am writing because I have a question I cannot find an answer to on the
I purchased a used Remora Pro HOB skimmer for my all-in-one 60 gallon
flat-back hex tank. It came with a Mag 5 pump, which I had to squeeze
through the acrylic overflow openings (breaking some of the teeth).
After much tweaking and fussing with the pump in order for it to fit the
skimmer's intake nozzle, I got it running, but the pump vibrates loudly.
<<Mmm…perhaps due for a new impellor>>
So I was wondering if it would be prudent to run it with a Rio 1100 pump
<<One sure way to tell…>>
I know that these skimmers are supposed to run with a Mag 3 or a Rio
1400, but I have a new 1100 available, not a 1400.
<<Then I say…try it and see!>>
A quick look at the flow chart tells me that at 1 ft. head (actual
distance from the pump to my skimmer), a 1100 pushes 352 gph, whereas a
1400 does 367 gph. Does the 15 gph difference actually make a
<<It could…though these figures are likely “generous” at best anyway and
will be affected in different ways by the varying conditions of the
installation, age/condition of the pumps, et al>>
Can I run this skimmer with a Rio 1100 instead?
<<I think it’s worth a try…what have you to lose?>>
By the way, my tank is somewhat heavily stocked with various corals and
fish, albeit small, however, I feed daily.
<<Install the pump and see how the skimmer performs. If not up to par,
do contact Jason and Steve at Aqua-C
(info@proteinskimmer.com ), the
makers of the skimmer. I know these guys, and they will do their best to
help you match a suitable pump to the skimmer and your system>>
Thank you in advance for your help!
<<Happy to share… EricR>>
Using needle wheel pump on venturi skimmer
Hi all the best to everyone. I was wondering if I could use a needle
wheel pump on a venturi skimmer, would it increase efficiency?
<Could likely, and maybe... there is a bit of engineering/science that
one can do; or just try it out>
If I can then I have another question. The skimmer I have says it needs a
1200lph pump to run. However I can only get either a 1000lph needle
wheel pump or a 2400lph one. Should I use the 1000lph one or get the
2400lph one and maybe throttle it back with a ball valve? My tank is
315litres in capacity.
<I'd likely go w/ the smaller... as "throttling down" such pumps is
impractical; in other words, decreasing outflow pressure/volume results
in a loss of mixed water/air bubbles... the very purpose of the needle
wheel use>
Thanks for any help you can give.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Hello there,
Maybe you guys could help me of how to convert the RIO
14Hf water pump into a skimmer pump...I need to some how
attach an air hose to the intake. Is that even possible?
<It is possible, but going to pretty much be a DIY project
here. Search the net for venturi intakes for skimmer pumps.
There are many DIYing these in the BB forums. Though to get the
best action doing this does take some tweaking with the skimmer vs.
pump size and the impeller itself to get a good bubble quality.>
<Welcome, Scott V. (yeah, Bob)><<Welcome back from
Guatemala. B>>
Needle wheel vs. paddle
impeller 8/9/11
Hi, I had a question about needle wheel impeller vs. paddlewheel
I have a used Rio 2100 and it came with a needle wheel impeller. The
Rio 2100 is rated at 700gph. I hooked it up in my sump tank for my
55gallon corner saltwater aquarium. From the sump to the top of the
tank is about 5 feet and I am hardly getting any flow from the
returning water pipes into the tank. Does the needle wheel drop the GPH
of the pump by a lot?
<Oh yes indeed... the needle wheel is intended for mixed air and
water venturi use... NOT for water movement. Won't move nearly as
much volume, nor pressure.>
Should I buy a new paddlewheel impeller, Or do I need a stronger
<The former>
Orange County Cali
<Welcome. Bob Fenner, San Diego currently>
Foam Fractionator Turnover Rate 3/28/09
Good morning everyone:
<Hola Wilberth.>
Mr. Bob thanks for your quick answer on fish size.
<Scott V. with you, but a big welcome from Bob I am
I have another question I didn´t find the answer in
posted ones. I have a foam fractitioner I build myself,
it´s 4 ft high (cup from another one) and 11"
diameter, it is skimming really dark waste. I run it with 2-750
gals/hr pumps attached to the main body and the pump that
connects it to the sump is a 2250 gals/hr.
The discharge hose is 1" but I feel it is moving water too
slow, should this flow be fine or should I try a 4800 gl/hr
that I buy for another system, what is the ideal turnover rate
for a foam fractionator?
<The opposite my friend...I would actually lessen the flow
through the skimmer. The general rule is 1-2 times your tank
volume per hour, 700 gph in your case. Some flow less, some flow
more through. But if you decrease the flow I think
you will see better skimmate production.>
I send you some pictures, by the way the tank is a 350 gals
Thank you so much for your time.
<Welcome, and nice job on the skimmer!>
Wilberth desde México
<From Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mex. today.>
Beckett Skimmer Pumps 2/19/09 HI, my name is
Manny, first of all I must say I love your forum, it is really
helpful. <Hello Manny, thank you.> I've a quick
question? I have a 5' tall dual Beckett skimmer I'm using
a Resun 70 md pump it's not doing too good of a job. I was
told to go with a Iwaki 100 pump $ 630.00 or do you think a PCX
150 or 100 pump would do the job? And what do you think of these
pumps? PLEASE HELP!! <Well, you are not really gaining any
flow with either of the PCX pumps, but you certainly are with the
Iwaki 100 (though shop around, $630 is steep for this pump). Do
also consider something like the Reeflo Uno for this application,
these are much more energy efficient, keeps your power bill down!
But, before you buy anything, I would chat with the skimmer
manufacturer first, see what they recommend, what may be going on
here.> Thanks Manny <Welcome, Scott V.>
Re: Beckett Skimmer Pumps 2/19/09 I got this
skimmer from a local LFS for 250.00 here are a few pic I believe
it is a homemade. <It does look like a home jobber.> Thank
you Scott for the info. Manny <Well, looking at similarly
manufactured models, you want a pump putting out 1500 gph or so.
The Iwaki you mention does more, you can always throttle the pump
back a bit. Otherwise do consider the Reeflo pump line, like the
Uno or Hammerhead...these are very nice pumps.>
Elevated Skimmer. No, elevated
higher than that! 1/4/08 Hi there, I am plumbing my Precision
Marine Skimmer (venturi style) into my sump. I would like to sit the
skimmer on a table next to my tank (which is about 28�
above the bottom of the sump), as there is not enough room under the
tank in the stand or in the sump. I will be using a Mag 9.5 and will
have approx 2� of rise restricted by 1 - 90 elbow and
two unions and a ¾ ball valve with all ¾ inch
flexible PVC. <This is the recommended pump for this skimmer, but
with the head height you will add I would step this up to the next
larger Mag to ensure the skimmer operates properly.> The return from
the skimmer is 1� PVC with a 1� gate
valve. I know the gate valve will narrow the inside diameter some here.
Can you advise me'¦ will this work? <It will, but for the
trouble an insurance I would go ahead and step this up to 1.5"
line after the valve. The 1" valve will flow more than the typical
1" gravity line due to the pressure from the water column inside
the skimmer. Stepping up the size of the drain line will ensure this
can keep up too.> I know there are issues with a skimmer being too
low in relation to the water level'¦ but could not find
anything on WWM with the skimmer sitting at an elevation comparable to
this. <It does diminish the flow available from the pump, hence the
recommendation above.> I am sure it is covered somewhere on the
site. There is an awesome volume of info here. Thank all of you for
that! This site is my primary resource tool for all things aquatic.
Scott <Good the hear, happy to help! Scott V.>
Protein Skimmer, MTC HSA-250,
pump sel., maint. 11/30/08 Hi, <Hello> I
have an MTC HSA-250 Protein Skimmer and while it seems like a well
made, I have more problems then success stories to accompany it. I
guess the root of the problem is that the skimmer appears to need a
powerful pump to push such a column of water up 2 feet. I have gone
from Mag 9.5 to completely failing with a Quiet One 4000 and Quiet One
6000. I would swear that there is a clog but when I take the skimmer to
a sink and fill it up the water seems to flow clearly right through all
the water lines. So, the questions are what is a powerful and
relatively small pump that I can through into my sump to feed the
protein skimmer that is not bigger than the mag 9.5 which was not easy
to maneuver in my sump. <Mmm, folks report success with the Sen 900:
http://www.wonbrothers.com/product/pumps/gapumps.htm though it is rated
only about 100 GPH more than the Mag 9.5 at two feet of head:
0gph)&child=DN1125&tab=1> And, how can you get to the
plumbing on the base that is within the lower half of the unit to clean
it and make sure it is clear? I do not see anything to do unless you
have a small arm that can fit down the tube. Thanks, Howard
<Agreed... you have to remove the unit, disassemble to clean
thoroughly. Bob Fenner>
Euro-Reef Modified Eheim Pumps For Small ER Skimmers (Not
Yet!) -- 06/17/08 Hi, <<Hello!>> I have a
question about the Euro-Reef RS100. <<I am a huge fan of ER
skimmers'¦I own a CS12=3 with ER-modded Eheim 1262
pumps, myself>> I called them up and was hoping I could
switch out the Sedra pump for an Eheim.
<<Hmmm'¦the RS100 uses a ER-modified Sedra 3500
pump'¦I believe the only ER-modified Eheim pump is the
Eheim 1262'¦too much pump for RS100 skimmer>>
Since this pump performs much better and is quieter. <<The
Eheim pumps 'are' a much better pump than
many'¦agreed>> I couldn't get anyone over
there. <<Keep trying'¦ I have chatted with these
fine folks on several occasions'¦they were likely busy
and just couldn't get to the phone>> Is this a
possibility? <<I'm skeptical (unless you can get a
custom mod on a smaller Eheim model)'¦but you need to
speak to the folks at Euro-Reef about it>> Can you
recommend an Eheim pump for this size skimmer? <<Not with
the required needle-wheel or pin-wheel mod currently offered by
Euro-Reef and sized for their RS100 skimmer. You could try
looking around the NET to see if anyone offers a smaller
needle-wheel modified Eheim pump. H&S skimmers use such
modified Eheim pumps'¦1260s I believe (and about $300 a
pop)'¦but this is still probably too much pump for the
ER RS100 skimmer. A needle-wheel modified Eheim 1250 is what you
need to look for'¦good luck. Another option would be to
replace the Sedra pump that comes with the skimmer with a
needle-wheel modified Ocean Runner pump of comparable size. It
will be a fraction of the cost of the Eheim (though I do like
those Eheims!) and I find this brand of pump very quiet and
reliable as well'¦though they are a bit bulky/large. Be
aware, any pump you get that was not modified/designed/intended
by Euro-Reef to be used with their skimmers will very probably
require some modification/imagination to get it to
'mate-up' with the ER skimmer (and will probably also
void any warranties)>> Thank you. <<Good luck with
your 'hunt.' EricR>>
Re: Euro-Reef Modified Eheim Pumps For Small ER Skimmers
(Not Yet!) -- 06/18/08 Hi Eric, <<Sal>> Thanks
for the quick reply. <<Quite welcome>> Do you know if
the Sedra pump is very loud? <<They're not
'too' bad'¦no more so than a Mag-Drive pump in
my experience. The single Sedra-3500 that comes with the ER RS100
skimmer would not make much noise I would
think'¦especially if you take steps to limit vibration
by placing the pump and skimmer body on some sort of
'resilient' material like computer mouse pads, a piece of
sealed-foam insulation, etc.>> One of the reasons I want an
Eheim is because I've read they are very quiet. <<They
are indeed'¦there just isn't one available with a
needle-wheel sized for the RS100 skimmer>> I don't want
to hear the skimmer going throughout my entire condo.
<<Understandable>> Any help/ideas are greatly
appreciated. <<Provide some vibration dampening under the
skimmer/pump and I think you will be fine>> Peace Sent from
my iPhone <<Regards, EricR (sent from my work
Skimmer Pump Choices 2/11/08 With a slew of
choices out there I am confused. I am presently looking at the AquaC
ev120 for my 125 gallon tank. <This is a good choice for this size
tank.> Also looking to purchase a rio 2100 or a mag 5 to power the
skimmer. Your thoughts. <I would choose the Mag over the Rio.>
BTW, noise is a factor in selecting the pump. Your thoughts pls <You
may also want to look at an Eheim or Oceanrunner pump of comparable
flow; they tend to be much quieter and reliable. Have fun, Scott
Replacement pump for skimmer 10/29/07 I currently
have a Corallife Super Skimmer 125 and need to replace the needle pump.
My LFS store has an Octopus Model 3000 Turbine Needle Wheel Pump. I was
wondering if this would be too much water going through the skimmer. I
am fairly new to skimmers and am not sure what pump I should get. Any
other recommendations would be appreciated also. Thanks <<Todd:
Usually, it is best to stick with the original pump the manufacturer
calls for. If your LFS cannot get a replacement part, if you do a
search, you will find replacement parts online. If you don't over
feed, your tank can go without a skimmer while you are waiting for a
replacement pump. Best of luck, Roy>>