Related FAQs: Xeniids, Pulsing Corals, Xeniid FAQs 2, Xeniid FAQs 3, Xeniid FAQs 4, Xeniid ID, Xeniid Behavior, Xeniid Selection, Xeniid Compatibility, Xeniid Systems, Xeniid Systems 2, Xeniid Feeding, Xeniid Disease, Xeniid Health 2, Xeniid Health 3, Xeniid Reproduction, Soft Coral
Propagation, Soft Coral
Related Articles: Soft Corals, Order
/The Best Livestock For Your Reef Aquarium:
The Pulsing Soft Corals, Family
Xeniidae, Part 1
To: Part
2, Part 3

Bob Fenner |
Xeniid in the Red Sea, DF Pic
<To do: make chart differentiating different Xeniid genera:
Criteria: size of colonies, arrangement of polyps, number of rows of

Genus Anthelia Lamarck 1816: Clusters of polyps all arising
from a united stolon base that is soft, ribbon-like. Polyp pinnules in
rows of 1-4 in number; slightly contractile, not retractile; some
don't even respond to touch. Unlike Heteroxenia and Xenia species,
Anthelia colonies branch at their base of attachment.
Anthelia sp. (perhaps A. flava) N.
Sulawesi. |

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.JPG) |
Anthelia glauca, Red Sea. |

Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are linked to large (desktop size) copies.
Click on "framed" images to go to the larger size. |
Part 2,
Part 3