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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Actinodendron arboreum Actinodendronidae,
a juv. in
N. Sulawesi, Indo. |
Studeriotes sp. Thomson & Simpson 1909.
Christmas Tree Coral, Medusa Coral, Snake Locks Coral.
Indo-Pacific. Only member of family regularly offered in the trade.
Can draw arms into their body situated in soft substrate, like some
anemones. Not photosynthetic. Need to be fed, strong current. Not
easily kept. This one off the Gilis, Lombok, Indo. |

Anthelia edmondsonii (Verrill 1928). Blue Soft Coral. Light
blue in color this is one of the few soft corals found in
Hawai'i (and only there). Predated nightly by the Nudibranch
Tritonia hawaiiensis. 1/4" inch across polyps in
colonies 3-12" across. Big Island photo. Genus Anthelia Lamarck 1816: Clusters of polyps all arising
from a united stolon base that is soft, ribbon-like. Polyp pinnules in
rows of 1-4 in number; slightly contractile, not retractile; some
don't even respond to touch. Unlike Heteroxenia and Xenia species,
Anthelia colonies branch at their base of attachment. Kona 2003 |
Anthelia glauca, Red Sea. Genus Anthelia Lamarck 1816: Clusters of polyps all arising
from a united stolon base that is soft, ribbon-like. Polyp pinnules in
rows of 1-4 in number; slightly contractile, not retractile; some
don't even respond to touch. Unlike Heteroxenia and Xenia species,
Anthelia colonies branch at their base of attachment. |