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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Cespitularia sp. 2 N. White body fading to
blue tentacles. Shallow water, reef flat species. One of the
hobbyist-called "Blue Cespitularias". Mauritius pic by DiF.
Conglomeratusclera coerulea |
Heteroxenia fuscescens (Ehrenberg 1834),
Pom-Pom, Palaver, Pulse Coral. Indo-Pacific; most common xeniid in the Red
Sea. Red Sea image. |

Xenia cf. elongata, Red
Sea. |
Xenia umbellata Lamarck 1816, Bouquet
Encrusting Coral. Indo-Pacific; including the Red Sea. To about
five inches in overall dimension. Tissues contain zooxanthellae. On
import, do look for parasitic Nudibranchs and copepods
(Paradoridicola glabripes). This colony in Egypt's part of the Red
Sea. |