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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Acalycigorgia sp. Many prominent calyces.
Not totally retractable, often bright warm-colored, contrasting
with rind/cover... Western Pacific. N. Sulawesi pic. |
Ctenocella pectinata (Pallas 1766).
Characterized by distinctive parallel branches arising from a
Y-shaped base. Thailand, Indonesia, Australia. This one off of
Pulau Redang, Malaysia in sixty feet of water. |

Likely the rope sponge, Aplysina fulva, with parasitic
Zoanthids, Bergia catenularis, poss. Umimayanthus
parasiticus or Parazoanthus cutressi. Bahamas pic. |
Isis hippuris Linnaeus 1758, the Golden Sea
Fan. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea, Australia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka. To
about sixteen inches tall. Needs good current, daily feedings, low
lighting (no metal halides) for captive care. Golden in color when
polyps are extended. An open colony off the
Whitsunday's, Queensland, Australia. |