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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Minabea aldersladei Williams 1992. Finger shaped colonies to two
inches in height, orange to yellow in color. Western Pacific. Two types
of polyps extend during the night, covering the colony. In N. Sulawesi,
Indo. here. |
Parerythropodium fulvum (Forsskal 1775),
Sulfur Coral, Yellow Encrusting Leather Coral. Below: a colony in the Red
Sea. |

Parerythropodium fulvum (Forsskal 1775),
Sulfur Coral, Yellow Encrusting Leather Coral. Below: a colony in the Red
Sea. A close-up shot by DiF. |
Sarcophyton ehrenbergii Marenzeller 1885.
Common in the Indo-Pacific and aquariums. Laterally compressed
colonies with deep disks. Feeds by way of photosynthesis and
plankton. AQ pic.