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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Arothron manilensis (de Proce 1822), the Narrow-Lined Puffer.
Western Pacific. To a foot in length in the wild, about half that in
captivity. One in PNG by Phil Sokol. |
Arothron mappa (Lesson 1831), the Map Puffer. Indo-Pacific. To
twenty-seven inches. This gentle giant is best supplied with plenty of
rock cover to hide amongst (they're shy), and fed sparingly, but to
fullness a couple of times a week. Bunaken, Manado, N. Sulawesi, Indo.

Arothron meleagris (Lacepede 1798), the Guinea Fowl Puffer. This
is a "standard" offering in the pet fish trade, in black and white,
golden and mottled color morphs. Found throughout the tropical
Indo-Pacific. A gold, xanthic one down in Nuka Hiva, Marquesas, Fr.
.JPG) |
Arothron meleagris (Lacepede 1798), the Guinea Fowl Puffer. This
is a "standard" offering in the pet fish trade, in black and white,
golden and mottled color morphs. Found throughout the tropical
Indo-Pacific. A juvenile down in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. |