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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Acanthurus leucopareius (Jenkins 1903), the
Whiteband or Whitebar Surgeonfish, tends to be a picky feeder,
hard to train off its favored food, filamentous algae. To about
eight inches overall length. Pacific; Southern Japan to Noumea
over to Hawai'i. Hawai'i image of a juvenile. |
Acanthurus leucopareius (Jenkins 1903), the
Whiteband or Whitebar Surgeonfish, tends to be a picky feeder,
hard to train off its favored food, filamentous algae. To about
eight inches overall length. Pacific; Southern Japan to Noumea
over to Hawai'i. Hawai'i image of an adult. |

Acanthurus nigroris
Valenciennes 1835, the Bluelined or Cuvier's
Surgeonfish. Found throughout Oceania. To ten inches in length. A
beauty that is often rare in the wild and absent in aquarium
use. Hawai'i images, juvenile showing prominent black spot behind dorsal fin. |
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Acanthurus nigroris
Valenciennes 1835, the Bluelined or Cuvier's
Surgeonfish. Found throughout Oceania. To ten inches in length. A
beauty that is often rare in the wild and absent in aquarium
use. Hawai'i images, sub adult individual
showing prominent black spot behind dorsal fins. |