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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
.JPG) |
Serranus psittacinus Valenciennes 1846
(S. fasciatus (Jenyns 1840) is a common synonym. The Barred Serrano.
Eastern Pacific; Sea of Cortez to Chile, including Galapagos. To seven
inches in length. Here in Puerto Vallarta.
Serranus tortugarum Longley 1935, the Chalk Bass. Tropical west
Atlantic. To three inches in length. Cozumel pic. |
flavicaudus Randall & Allen 1977, the Yellowtail Damsel. Southeastern
central Pacific. To five inches in length. Found around rock and coral
reefs. A juv. in Fr. Polynesia 2018. |
Dascyllus strasburgi
Klausewitz 1960, Strasburg's Dascyllus. Found only in the south
central Pacific Islands called the Marquesas on coral and rocky
reefs. To three and a half inches in length. Nuka Hiva, Marquesas,
Polynesia pic of an adult (juveniles are identical to D.
trimaculatus, usually found in association with
Cryptodendron anemones).