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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Pseudanthias luzonensis (Katayama &
Masuda 1973), the Yellow-Lined Anthias. To five and a half inches
long. Males with three yellow lines and red spot on their dorsal
fin. Male off Gili Air, Lombok, Indonesia. |
Pseudanthias regalis Randall & Lubbock 1981. Eastern-Central
Pacific; Marquesas. Pic taken in Nuka Hiva of a male and female. |

Pseudanthias regalis Randall & Lubbock 1981. Eastern-Central
Pacific; Marquesas. Pic taken in Nuka Hiva of a male. |
The most commonly offered Eelblenny (aka
the Green Wolf Eel) in the hobby, Congrogadus subduscens
(Richardson 1843). At Morgan Lidster's years back.