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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Diagramma pictum (Thunberg 1792), the Painted Sweetlips.
Indo-West Pacific; Red Sea, eastern Africa to Japan and New Caledonia.
to about a meter total length. At right: Half and one inch juveniles in
N. Sulawesi. Below: First Row: three to four inch individuals in N.
Sulawesi. Second row: A sub-adult one in Raja Ampat, Indo.
Plectorhinchus albovittatus (Ruppell 1838),
the Two-Stripe or Giant Sweetlips. Indo-west Pacific, including the
Red Sea. To a meter in length. The largest Sweetlips species.
A N. Sulawesi juvenile. |

Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides Lacepede 1801, the Clown or
Harlequin Sweetlips. Western Pacific. To twenty nine inches. The most
commonly used species of the family... but rarely lives more than a few
days in captivity. A four inch or so individual in N. Sulawesi, Indo. |

Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides Lacepede 1801, the Clown or
Harlequin Sweetlips. Western Pacific. To twenty nine inches. The most
commonly used species of the family... but rarely lives more than a few
days in captivity. A five inch or so individual in N. Sulawesi, Indo.