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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
interruptus Ahl 1923, the Yellow Teardrop Butterflyfish. Put one way,
the "replacement" for C. unimaculatus in the Indian Ocean. Similarly
feeds on coral polyps, sponges and algae. Retains this striking color
and black spot as an adult. An adult sized one in the Maldives. |
Chaetodon selene Bleeker 1853, the
Yellow-dotted Butterflyfish. Western Pacific; Philippines, New
Guinea, Indonesia... To 16 cm. Found near steep drop-offs.
Generally in pairs as adults, single juveniles. Feed on benthic
invertebrates. Sipadan, Saba, Malaysia photo of a near adult. |

aureofasciatus Macleav 1878, the Golden-Striped
Butterflyfish. From all along Australia's northern coast over
to New Guinea. Another coral polyp feeder. Image of a five inch adult from off of
Queensland in Australia. Go visit it there. |
Chaetodon larvatus
Cuvier 1831, the Masked or Orange-Face Butterflyfish. Restricted in
range, Red Sea to lower Gulf of Aden. Only eats Acroporid coral
polyps... Closely related to C. baronessa, C. triangulum. To
five inches long. Aquarium photograph by RMF. |