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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Chaetodon semilarvatus
Cuvier 1831, the Golden or Blue-Mask Butterflyfish. Only found in
the Red Sea south into the Gulf of Aden. To plate-size, nine
inches or so. Omnivore that does eat coral polyps, soft and hard
species. Red Sea pix by RMF.
Chaetodon semilarvatus
Cuvier 1831, the Golden or Blue-Mask Butterflyfish. Only found in
the Red Sea south into the Gulf of Aden. To plate-size, nine
inches or so. Omnivore that does eat coral polyps, soft and hard
species. Red Sea pix by RMF.

Chaetodon (Roaops)
tinkeri Schultz 1951, Tinker's Butterflyfish. Mainly found and
collected in deep water in Hawaii, but also found in Johnston Atoll, the
Marshalls... A hardy species where caught, acclimated properly to
captive conditions. Adult in Kona, HI. |
Chaetodon (Roaops)
tinkeri Schultz 1951, Tinker's Butterflyfish. Mainly found and
collected in deep water in Hawaii, but also found in Johnston Atoll, the
Marshalls... A hardy species where caught, acclimated properly to
captive conditions. Juvenile in Kona, HI.