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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Plectorhinchus lessoni Cuvier 1830. West Pacific, to sixteen
inches long. A juv. in the wild. |
Plectorhinchus lineatus (Linnaeus 1758), the Yellow-Banded
Sweetlips. Indo-West Pacific. To twenty nine inches in length in the
wild. A four-five incher in S. Leyte, P.I. |

Plectorhinchus orientalis (Bloch 1793), the Oriental Sweetlips. A
commonly encountered (much of tropical Indo-Pacific) species in the wild
and in the aquarium trade. Rarely lives for any period of time. To
thirty four inches in length (not a mis-print). An adult profiled in the
Maldives. |
Plectorhinchus vittatus (Linnaeus 1758), the Indian Ocean
Oriental Sweetlips. Indo-West Pacific. To only two feet in length. This
two inch juv. in Bunaken, N. Sulawesi, Indo.