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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Paranthias colonus (Valenciennes
1846), the Pacific Creolefish. Mexico's California to Peru. To fourteen
inches in length. Occasionally sold in the aquarium trade under its own
name... Here are individuals shown during the day and resting disguised
on the bottom at night. This young one in Costa Rica. |
Plectropomus leopardus (Lacepede 1802), the
Leopard Coral Grouper. Western Pacific. To forty six inches in
length. A semi-adult one
in Fiji, from where they're occasionally exported. |

Variola louti (Forsskal 1775), the Skunk or Yellow-Edged Lyretail
Grouper. Indo-Pacific to the Pitcairn Islands, and including the Red
Sea. To thirty inches in length. A four inch individual in Sipadan, Malaysia. |
Anthias olivaceus Randall & McCosker
1982. Central Pacific. To about three inches. This image shot in
Aitutaki, the Cook Islands. |