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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Dermatolepis dermatolepis (Boulenger 1895), the Leather Grouper.
This fish has "made the rounds" taxonomically, being placed in other
genera (more recently Epinephelus). Tropical eastern Pacific. Cute when
small, this species grows quickly to a large size, to three feet long in
the wild. A twelve inch individual in the Galapagos. |
Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch 1790), the Chocolate Hind. Indo-West
Pacific. To a mere ten inches in length... Off Redang, Malaysia. |
Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes
1828), Bluespotted Rockcod. Western Pacific; Philippines to Australia. To
fourteen inches overall length. One skulking around Wakatobi, S.
Sulawesi, Indo.
Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw & Nodder
1812), the Bluelined Hind. Indo-west Pacific. To thirteen
inches in length. Often misidentified in the pet fish literature
and sold as C. boenak (nee boenack). Shy at first and scrappy
with other similar-appearing fishes. Pulau Redang, Malaysia.