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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Parapercis xanthozona (Bleeker 1849), the
Yellowbar Sandperch. Indo-West Pacific; Eastern Africa to Fiji. To
a bit over nine inches total length. In
N. Sulawesi. |
Aethaloperca rogaa Forsskal 1775, the
Redmouth Grouper. Indo-west Pacific, including the Red Sea. To two
feet overall length. Imported from time to time as an
"oddball" grouper. This one sitting in the Red Sea.
Monotypic: one species in this genus. |

Aethaloperca rogaa Forsskal 1775, the
Redmouth Grouper. Indo-west Pacific, including the Red Sea. To two
feet overall length. Imported from time to time as an
"oddball" grouper. This one sitting in the Red Sea.
Monotypic: one species in this genus. |
Cromileptes altivelis (Valenciennes 1828),
the Panther Grouper to the hobby is the Humpback Grouper to
science. Western Pacific distribution. To twenty eight inches in
the wild. This eight inch individual in an aquarium. A hardy animal
with a large appetite and mouth to match. Monotypic genus. A two footer in
NE Australia.