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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Chromis hanui Randall & Sverdluff 1973,
the Chocolate-Dip Chromis. Abrupt white on caudal, dorsal and anal
regions. Hawaiian island endemic, 6-165 feet. To 3.5 inches in
length. Kona pix. |
Chromis ovalis (Steindachner 1900), the Oval
Chromis. Hawaiian Island endemic. Lives in groups as adults.
Zoo-plankton feeder. Adult greenish with dark fin edges. Sub-adults
yellow-bodied with blue streak over eye. Juvenile (shown,
photographed off of Honaunau on the Big Island) brilliant blue with
yellow dorsal surface off of Kona. |

Chromis ovalis (Steindachner 1900), the Oval
Chromis. Hawaiian Island endemic. Lives in groups as adults.
Zoo-plankton feeder. Adult greenish with dark fin edges. Sub-adults
yellow-bodied with blue streak over eye. A somber adult elsewhere off of
Kona. |
Chromis punctipinnis (Cooper 1863), the
Blacksmith Chromis. A cool water member of the genus, found from
central California in the U.S. to central Baja California, Mexico
in the eastern Pacific. To ten inches in length. This eight inch
one in the Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach. |