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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Stegastes diencaeus (Jordan & Rutter 1897), the Longfin
Damsel. Tropical west Atlantic. To five inches in length. Occasionally
imported and sold as juveniles. Adults an overall brown with dark
margins on all scales. An adult in Cozumel. |

Stegastes nigricans (Lacepede 1802), Dusky
Gregory. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea, East Africa through to Lines Islands and Fr.
Polynesia. To 14 cm. An aggressive species found in shallow water, feeding
on cultured algae and driving off would-be competitors for food, including
divers! Fiji 2017. An adult in Fr. Polynesia (2018) |

Amphiprion akindynos Allen 1972, the Barrier
Reef Anemonefish. Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. To five inches
long. Similar to Clark's Clown but has wider white bars and
more consistent dark brown body color. In a Heteractis
crispa symbiont off of Heron Island, GBR, Australia.
Amphiprion akindynos Allen 1972, the Barrier
Reef Anemonefish. Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. To five inches long.
Similar to Clark's Clown but has wider white bars and more consistent
dark brown body color. A pair off of Heron Island, GBR, Australia.