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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Neopomacentrus miryae Dor & Allen 1977,
Miry's Damselfish. Upper Red Sea endemic. To 11. cm. overall
length. Sharm el Sheikh photo. |
Pomacentrus philippinus (Evermann & Seale 1907), the Philippine
Damsel. Western Pacific and eastern Indian Oceans. Variable in amount of
yellow coloring by vicinity. To three inches in length. This one in S.
Sulawesi. |
Plectroglyphidodon johnstonianus (Fowler
& Ball 1924), the Johnston Island Damsel. Despite its common
name this species is found more widely in the Indo-Pacific, eastern Africa to
Hawai'i (where this image is from). To two and a half inches
long. Juv. in Fr. Polynesia's Tuamotus. |
Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus (Quoy &
Gaimard 1825), the Jewel Damsel, Whitespotted Devil. Indo-west Pacific,
eastern Africa and Red Sea to the Society Islands. One in Fiji.