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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Acanthurus dussumieri Valenciennes 1835,
the Eyestripe or Dussumier's Surgeonfish. This is a highly
variably colored fish. Some are drab gray, whereas some I've
seen from Hawai'i sported brilliant yellow around their body
margin with beautiful royal purple highlights. This surgeon is
more like the genus Ctenochaetus in its feeding habits, sifting
sand and detritus in addition to algae scraping. To eighteen inches long in the wild.
A juv. in captivity. |
Acanthurus dussumieri Valenciennes 1835,
the Eyestripe or Dussumier's Surgeonfish. This is a highly
variably colored fish. Some are drab gray, whereas some I've
seen from Hawai'i sported brilliant yellow around their body
margin with beautiful royal purple highlights. This surgeon is
more like the genus Ctenochaetus in its feeding habits, sifting
sand and detritus in addition to algae scraping. To eighteen inches long in the wild.
An adult off Maui, Hawaii, USA. |

Acanthurus leucocheilus, the Pale-Lipped Tang. To only a foot in length,
but an unsuitably aggressive aquarium species. A later juv. in
captivity. |
.jpg) |
Acanthurus nigrofuscus (Forsskal 1775), the blackish Brown or
Spot-Cheeked Surgeonfish. Manageable size (to eight inches), and
moderate behavior toward other fishes qualify the Brown Tang as a
desirable aquarium species especially as an algae controller.
Unfortunately it is a rather plain fish. Red Sea image.