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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Pomacanthus semicirculatus
(Cuvier 1831), the Koran or Semicircle Angelfish (1). A beauty from
throughout its wide range, Indo-west Pacific eastward to Africa, but not
the Red Sea. To about thirteen inches in length. A late juvenile. |
multifasciatus (Smith & Radcliffe 1911), the Multi-Barred
Angel (2). More deep-bodied than other Centropyge and with 13
versus the usual 14, 15 dorsal rays of other dwarfs. Not imported
regularly in any numbers. Indo-Pacific; Cocos Keeling to the Society
Islands, GBR and Micronesia. To 11 cm. Shy and retiring species. An
aquarium specimen. |

Acanthurus coeruleus
Bloch & Schneider 1801, the Atlantic Blue Tang; though not as
dazzlingly beautiful as the other two "Blue Tangs"
(Paracanthurus hepatus & Acanthurus leucosternon) this
Caribbean surgeon makes a fine aquarium addition. One of a handful
of Acanthurus that are overall yellow as juveniles, the Atlantic
Blue Tang stays small enough for modest sized
aquariums. A juv. in Grand Turks. |
.JPG) |
Acanthurus coeruleus
Bloch & Schneider 1801, the Atlantic Blue Tang; though not as
dazzlingly beautiful as the other two "Blue Tangs"
(Paracanthurus hepatus & Acanthurus leucosternon) this
Caribbean surgeon makes a fine aquarium addition. One of a handful
of Acanthurus that are overall yellow as juveniles, the Atlantic
Blue Tang stays small enough for modest sized
aquariums. A later juv. in Key Largo.