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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Centropyge tibicen (Cuvier 1831), the
Keyhole Pygmy Angel (2). Some folks have had better success with
this species than I and my associates. Start with a mid-sized
specimen, 3-4". Indo-west Pacific. One down in Wakatobi, S. Sulawesi,
Indo. |
Centropyge venustus (Yasuda
& Tominaga 1969), Venustus, Purple-Mask or Blue-Backed
Angelfish (3). Formerly placed in the genus Sumireyakko, and mis-placed
by some authors in the genus Paracentropyge. Western Pacific rim.
To five inches in length. Aquarium pic. |

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker
1853), the Pearl-Scaled or Half-Black Dwarf Angel (1), is one of my
standard, "marine aquarium service account species". Very
hardy. Indo-west Pacific Ocean in distribution. Closely related to,
and hybridizes with Centropyge flavissimus and Centropyge
eibli. N. Sulawesi pix. |
.JPG) |
Centropyge bicolor
(Bloch 1787), the Blue-and-Gold,
Pacific Rock Beauty, Bicolor or Oriole Dwarf Angel (3), is
highly variable in it's survivability in captivity. Some
shipments are 100% live on arrival, others can be just the
opposite within days. Better specimens come from other than the
Philippines or Indonesia. To
6" if they live. Bali 2016.