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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Centropyge bicolor
(Bloch 1787), the Blue-and-Gold,
Pacific Rock Beauty, Bicolor or Oriole Dwarf Angel (3), is
highly variable in it's survivability in captivity. Some
shipments are 100% live on arrival, others can be just the
opposite within days. Better specimens come from other than the
Philippines or Indonesia. To
6" if they live. Fiji pic. |
potteri Jordan & Metz 1912, Potter's Dwarf Angel,
named after Frederick Potter, the first director of the Waikiki
Aquarium. One at the Waikiki Aquarium in
O'ahu. |

potteri Jordan & Metz 1912, Potter's Dwarf Angel, named after
Frederick Potter, the first director of the Waikiki Aquarium. One in Kona. |
Chaetodontoplus melanosoma
(Bleeker 1853), Black Velvet Angelfish (2). Variable in initial health
from wild. Best to leave at the dealer's a good week or two. Indonesia
on up to southern Japan. To eight inches long. One out in Raja Ampat,