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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Aserragodes kaianus (Gunther 1880); Western Pacific; to 14 cm.
Raja Ampat, Indo. A phase of the species. |
.jpg) |
Soleichthys siammakuti Wongratana 1975,
Carpet sole. W. Pacific. To 8.2 cm. according to FishBase. N. Sulawesi, Indo. |
Synaptura marginata (Boulenger 1900. White-margined Sole. To 50
cm. Indo-W. Pacific.
Sulawesi, Indo. |
Cantherhines dumerilii (Hollard 1854), the
Whitespotted Filefish. Indo-Pacific. To fifteen inches maximum.
Feeds on a variety of invertebrates including corals. A male out in Hawaii. Males darker with yellow caudals, females
more or less overall grey to olive brown. |