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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
The Blue Throat or Gilded Triggerfish, Xanthichthys
auromarginatus (Bennett 1832), true reef dwellers. Here is a
female off of Maui, Hawai'i. Indo-west Pacific. To
about a foot total length. |
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The Blue Cheekline or Sargassum Xanthichthys ringens
(Linnaeus 1758) from the Atlantic Triggers. These pelagics adapt more
poorly to captivity than other trigger species. Tropical west Atlantic,
North Carolina to Brazil. A couple down in Cozumel. |
Lactophrys (now
Acanthostracion) quadricornis (Linnaeus 1758),
the Scrawled Cowfish. Note the two horns above eyes; missing in
trunkfish species. An adult one in Cozumel. |
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Lactoria cornuta (Linnaeus 1758), the Longhorn Cowfish.
Indo-Pacific, Red Sea, east African coast. To some eighteen inches in
length in the wild. A juvenile of four inches or so SL in Bali.