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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Diodon liturosus Shaw 1804, the
Black-Blotched Porcupinefish. Indo-Pacific, but not Hawai'i.
To twenty six inches long in the wild. Distinguishable from D.
holacanthus by its longest spines being just above its pectoral
fins. This one off of Pulau Redang, Malaysia. |
Diodon liturosus Shaw 1804, the
Black-Blotched Porcupinefish. Indo-Pacific, but not Hawai'i.
To twenty six inches long in the wild. Distinguishable from D.
holacanthus by its longest spines being just above its pectoral
fins. Here in Bali. |

Antennellopsis sp. Very
narrow single strand colonies. N. Sulawesi image. |
Pennaria disticha Goldfuss 1820.
Cosmopolitan in tropical, temperate seas. To 12 cm. in height. Urn-shaped
polyps are born on upper sides of immediately alternating branches. Nuka Hiva, Marquesas image. |