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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Genus Nephthea Audouin 1826: Bush- or tree-like in
appearance. To a foot and a half tall. Soft to touch. One type of
polyps that are non-retractile, clustered terminally on branches,
lobe-like. Most often are colored brownish-yellow, but also found
brownish-green to purple. Color owing to their Zooxanthellae. Common to
abundant in wave-protected shallow reef areas in Indo-western Pacific
reefs. Red Sea 08. |

Paralemnalia thyrsoides (Ehrenberg 1834).
May be common where found. Shallow fringing reefs, slopes, flats.
To 30 m depths. Western Pacific; Australia to Japan. N. Sulawesi
pic. |

Siphonogorgia sp. Red Sea, Indo-Pacific.
Plankton feeders like the true Sea Fans. Have erect two-dimensional
branched colonies. Main stem and principal branches bear few
polyps. Polyps vary in color per individual. To two feet in height.
This one in the Red Sea.
Genus Siphonogorgia: Superficially resemble Gorgonians. Polyps
clustered toward ends of branches, absent from lower trunk, branches. No
internal "axis" like sea fans. Can be completely withdrawn. Western
Pacific; Philippines, Belau, Solomon Islands. Common on reef slopes,
overhangs at times.
Soft Corals, Family Nidaliidae |
Chironephthya sp. Fiji
Genus Siphonogorgia:
Superficially resemble Gorgonians. Polyps clustered toward ends of
branches, absent from lower trunk, branches. No internal "axis" like sea
fans. Can be completely withdrawn. Western Pacific; Philippines, Belau,
Solomon Islands. Common on reef slopes, overhangs at times.
Soft Corals, Family Nidaliidae |