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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Cryptodendrum adhaesivum Klunzinger 1877,
the Adhesive Sea Anemone, aka as the Pizza Anemone for obvious
reasons. Family Thalassianthidae. Not often seen, used in the aquarium
interest due to the species extremely sticky short tentacles and
propensity for tearing in moving. Only one Clownfish species is found in
it in the wild, the Clarkii. Nuka Hiva, Marquesas, Fr. Polynesia.
Acrozoanthus australiae Saville-Kent 1893. Tree Stick Polyps,
Tree Anemone... Here in N. Sulawesi, Indo.

Phymanthus sp. (poss. P. loligo),
Somo Somo St., Taveuni,
Fiji. |
.JPG) |
Neothyonidium magnum Ludwig
1882. Usually only the tentacular crown of this species shows, the rest
being buried in the soft substrate... Neat to watch it feed as it
"licks" food one "stem" at a time... N. Sulawesi pix. |