FAQs on Anemone Identification
Related Articles: Anemones,
Tip Anemones, LTAs, Cnidarians, Coldwater Anemones, Colored/Dyed Anemones,
Related FAQs: Anemone ID 1, Anemone ID 2, Anemone ID 3, Anemone ID 4, Anemone ID 5, Anemone ID 6, Anemone ID 7,
Anemone ID 8,
Anemone ID 9, Anemone ID 10, Anemone ID 11,
Anemone ID 12,
Anemone ID 13, Anemone ID 14, Anemone ID 15, Anemone ID 16, Anemone ID 17, Anemone ID 18, Anemone ID 19, Anemone ID 20, Anemone ID 21, Anemone ID 22, Anemone ID 23, Anemone ID 24, Anemone ID 25, Anemone ID 26, Anemone ID 27, Anemone ID 28, Anemone ID 29, Anemone
ID 30, Anemone ID 32,
Anemone ID 33,
Anemone ID 34, Anemone ID 35, Anemone ID 36, Anemone ID 37, Anemone ID 38, Anemone ID 39, Anemone ID 40, Anemone ID 41,
Anemone ID 42,
Anemone ID 43,
Anemone ID 44, Anemone ID 45,
& Cnidarian Identification, Anemones 1,
Anemones 2, Anemones 3, Anemones
4, Anemones 5, Invertebrate Identification, Aiptasia
Identification, Aiptasia ID
2, LTA
Identification, Bubble Tip
Anemones, Caribbean
Anemones, Condylactis, Aiptasia
Anemones, Other Pest
Anemones, Anemones and
Clownfishes, Anemone
Reproduction, Anemone
Lighting, Anemone Feeding,
Anemone Systems,
Compatibility, Anemone
Selection, Anemone
Health, Anemone Behavior,

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Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Aiptasia pallida - 10/06/2009
Hi Crew
Can you verify that this (attached) photo is of an Aiptasia
pallida ? Off a local wreck site here.
Jim Eagles
Brisbane Queensland
<Mmm, is not... A. pallida is not found there (is in coastal
Caribbean, coastal US Atlantic, N. Carolina to Texas...).
Don't know what this is... maybe Oulactis muscosa, for the
variegate-colored tentacles... though these are mainly
inhabitants of rocky pools... Do you have a close-up pic? If you
have time, interest, try perusing Daphne Fautin's site:
Bob Fenner>
Re: Aiptasia pallida
Thanks Bob, for the prompt and helpful reply, much
Jim Eagles
<Welcome Jim. BobF>
Fw: Aiptasia pallida
Attn Bob Fenner
I knew that the A. pallida was N. American, but worried it has
travelled here. Bit of a nasty species to have introduced here.
Have checked up on the species you mentioned (Oulactis muscosa)
but apparently it is only found in rock pools, the specimen I
sent the image of was photographed two miles deep on the wreck.
Looks like I'll have to keep looking. Thanks again
Jim Eagles
<... this animal, the wreck are thousands of feet down in
depth? Or this distance from shore? BobF>
Query Regarding Strange Specimen -
Dear WetWebMedia,
<Dear Writer! Crewmember Sabrina with you today.>
I have been browsing Wet Web Media for some time, and find it to
be wonderful and informative.
<Thank you very much for these kind words.>
Unfortunately, I have been unable to find any information
regarding a creature I found in my 10-gallon nano tank. This tank
has about twelve pounds of live rock, and a red crab who
hitchhiked in on a rock. Among other inhabitants, it has had a
bizarre netted flatworm, a bright green mantis shrimp, and
several other strange, but interesting, animals. I have managed
to locate information on these other creatures, but not this
anemone. The specimen has just divided, leaving me two half-inch
Considering that I first saw it at one half inch in diameter, I
thought it might perhaps grow larger before dividing as it did.
It has short tentacles that do not appear to sting, but adhere to
fingers when presented.
<The main knee-jerk reaction that I took this question is the
preceding statement. I feel compelled to mention that not all
critters in reef tanks are safe to touch! PLEASE be cautious
about poking about or intentionally touching cnidarians and other
reef life. For one, it's not very good for the Cnidarian. For
two.... Well, do a search on palytoxin and understand that there
are good reasons to be cautious about unknown - and even
well-known - animals in reef tanks. Blanket statement: wear
gloves when working in fish tanks. I'll be the first to admit
that I don't always do so myself in my own tanks, but I
It is fluorescent under actinic lighting.
I had fed the anemone mysis shrimp and other meaty goods before,
but the other day it got a hold of one of my young Bettas that
had escaped into the marine tank.
The Betta was retrieved, but did not survive.
<I'm so sorry to hear this. It may have been the saltwater
more than the brush with the Cnidarian in question. Please
consider lids for any of those Betta tanks that don't have
one, eh?>
While I do not believe it is a Majano or Aiptasia,
<It is neither an Aiptasia, nor an Anemonia majano. Of that I
am certain.>
I could not say for certain. Finally, I note that I do not intend
on populating the tank with fish. I find it interesting to
discover new and interesting creatures almost weekly.
<Neat! I have to say, that can be more fun than a tank full of
Attached Images:
Anemone 1: Creature shortly after I had found it.
Anemone 2: Creature about three months after discovery.
Anemone 3: Immediately after it divided.
Anemone 4: One day after it divided and relocated.
<I think.... and that is to say, I'm not sure.... this
might be a Stichodactyla tapetum, "mini carpet
anemone". My first thought was that it's a Ricordea of
some sort, and that may be the case, but the smooth center with
radiating lines seems more consistent with Stichodactyla tapetum.
Take a look at images of this and also of Ricordea. Hopefully Bob
will provide further input if I am completely in error.>
Thank you for your time, Sunstar
<Glad to be of service. Thanks for the very nicely taken
photos! Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Re Query Regarding Strange Specimen,
Stichodactyla tapetum ID - 10/05/2009
Dear, Crewmember Sabrina
<Hi again!>
Thank you for your quick reply.
<I'm glad we could be of service.>
After having a Google of the name, Stichodactyla tapetum, I am
pretty sure that is what I am looking at. It appears that these
animals are welcome.
<Yes, they're very neat critters.>
That's fine with me. I will wear gloves in future. I just
have super small hands and most gloves are ill fitting.
<I totally understand!>
My Betta's lid was ajar and I think she was eager to be fed,
but I was dealing with something else at the time; I forget what
<Again, I'm sorry to hear it. I hate losing fish to
jumping. So sorry.>
I do have a Ricordea within my system. It's not doing much,
but has grown considerably since I acquired the T5HO lights.
I am glad my photos were of use, I thought that pics of it in all
stages would be best for making an assessment.
<Indeed. They were very nicely taken photos!>
Thanks again,
<Best wishes to you, -Sabrina>
Re: Query Regarding Strange Specimen - One final
Photo 10/14/09 Dear Crewmember Sabrina,
<Hello again!>
Thank you very much for your replies and I thought I would
follow up with one more picture of the animal in question,
the Stichodactyla tapetum, or Mini Carpet Anemone.
<Lovely image.>
The two daughters are doing very well and have healed up
They both eagerly accept tiny portions of mysis shrimp or
<It sounds like they are in good hands. I expect they
will prosper in your care.>
I have included a picture of the Stichodactyla tapetum
under blue LED Moonlights.
<They really do look great!>
Thank you again.
Image file: Anemone 5: Photo taken at night with 1.3 second
<Best wishes to you. -Sabrina>
Bulb (Entacmaea quadricolor), Sebae (Heteractis
crispa), or other Anemone? 9/28/09
I got an anemone today, asking for (and thinking that I also
received and took home) a Bulb Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor).
However, when I finally got home, acclimated it, and turned on
the lighting, it appeared to look like a Sebae (Heteractis
crispa) or other type of anemone (because it has those pink dots
at its tips, and also when on a piece of live rock it has longer
<Here's a clue>
I attached pictures in different types of lighting. Can you help
me identify it? Is it a bulb? Or Sebae? Or other?
<Read here:
"and the linked files above">
Or is there something I can do to correctly identify it?
<... note the color of the pedicle, the verrucae... This
animal/specimen is badly bleached...>
Like, put it next to a bulb anemone and see if they
"sting" each other (2 bulbs won't sting each other,
<Keep drinking, oh, reading... Bob Fenner>
Re: Bulb (Entacmaea quadricolor),
Sebae (Heteractis crispa), or other Anemone? 9/28/09
Hi again, if it is in fact a bulb/bubble tip anemone, is this one
I'm attaching also one?
<This is>
My friend has this beauty, and he says his is a rose bulb. Do they
come in such varying shapes and colors, or is one of us really
owning something different?
<Remember that last email? Continue. B> |
Anemone Identification 9/26/09
Hello Crew,
Thank you for helping me last time with my "mini
anemone" assessment. It is a Corallimorph and you were
Now, here I am again with another question.
This is a strange one, because I've owned this rock some time
now, years, and I don't really bring a lot of "new"
rocks into my tank, but I am noticing a couple new things popping
out of rocks when I move one or when I breaker one apart, and
this is my newest thing...another anemone.
<Mmm, yes>
I am really concerned that this could be the dreaded Majano
Anemone, and having never owned one, or had one, I'd like to
find out.
<Sure likes like one... a beauty... Not to be dreaded>
So far, the little thing is peaceful, and doesn't seem to be
bothering anyone. He is approximately 1/3 inch in diameter.
Could someone help me ID this? I truly hope you come back and
tell me "It's not Majano"! LOL.
Thanks, in advance...Bonnie
<Welcome. Please read here:
Bob Fenner>
Anemone Identification. 8/21/09
Hello WWM crew.
I have been using WWM as a Information resource for little over a
year now and you have my thanks for providing such detailed
I am the owner of a 14 gallon bio cube "stock" and have
been doing well for about two years now with several soft coral
I am having difficulty identifying a small anemone I found on my
live rock about a year ago.
I had initially thought it was a majano,
<I too think this is what this is>
It has never multiplied and I never directly fed it until
The Anemone is about the size of a Canadian two dollar coin and
has a Lime green body with a row of bump
like structures at the very edge of the body column just before
the tentacles.
There seems to be at least four rows of tentacles, each tentacle
seems to exhibit a rounded end with a
nipple like nodule at the tip.
The tentacles seem quite colorful and if it Truly is a majano I
feel inclined to keep this one as it seems to
demonstrate a wide range of colors.
I fed it some pieces of silver side which it quite rapidly
consumed, after which it displayed extremely
Bright coloration.
Any Thoughts?
<Maybe Anemonia... but whatever it is, it's a beauty.
I'd keep about. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
I.D Anemone 8/15/09
I just purchased this already set up tank a few weeks ago and we
cannot figure out what kind of anemones these are. Can you
>.... sure... Anemonia. RMF<
Re: I.D Anemone... Geez... I got a
rock n' roll band, I got a rock n' roll life...
There are 15 in my tank and they are small. The largest is about 1
inch around. Are they pests or are they safe in my tank? I do have
a Bubble Tip already in my tank.
<... please use WWM, per our posted instructions:
B> |