FAQs on Anemone Identification
Related Articles: Anemones,
Tip Anemones, LTAs, Cnidarians, Coldwater Anemones, Colored/Dyed Anemones,
Related FAQs: Anemone ID 1, Anemone ID 2, Anemone ID 3, Anemone ID 4, Anemone ID 5, Anemone ID 6, Anemone ID 7,
Anemone ID 8,
Anemone ID 9, Anemone ID 10, Anemone ID 11,
Anemone ID 12,
Anemone ID 14, Anemone ID 15, Anemone ID 16 Anemone ID 17, Anemone ID 18, Anemone ID 19, Anemone ID 20, Anemone ID 21, Anemone ID 22, Anemone ID 23, Anemone ID 24, Anemone ID 25, Anemone ID 26, Anemone ID 27, Anemone ID 28, Anemone ID 29, Anemone
ID 30, Anemone ID 31, Anemone ID 32, Anemone ID 33, Anemone ID 34, Anemone ID 35, Anemone ID 36, Anemone ID 37, Anemone ID 38, Anemone ID 39, Anemone ID 40, Anemone ID 41,
Anemone ID 42,
Anemone ID 43,
Anemone ID 44, Anemone ID 45,
& Cnidarian Identification, Anemones 1,
Anemones 2, Anemones 3, Anemones
4, Anemones 5, Invertebrate Identification, Aiptasia
Identification, Aiptasia ID
2, LTA
Identification, Bubble Tip
Anemones, Caribbean
Anemones, Condylactis, Aiptasia
Anemones, Other Pest
Anemones, Anemones and
Clownfishes, Anemone
Reproduction, Anemone
Lighting, Anemone Feeding,
Anemone Systems,
Compatibility, Anemone
Selection, Anemone
Health, Anemone Behavior,

New Print and
eBook on Amazon:
Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Unidentified Hitchhiker Anemone -- 03/29/07 Hello
and thanks in advance for your help. <<Greetings...and let's
hope you find it of some benefit>> I love your site and read from
it almost daily for the past two years. Your advice has
always been very helpful and informative. <<Is good to
know>> I have just today noticed a small colony of uninvited
guests in one of my aquariums. <<Uh-oh>> There are about
three anemones that were hiding unseen on my LR until I rearranged
while doing some tank maintenance. <<I think I know where this is
heading...>> The rock is, I believe, from Fiji, is about 2 yrs
old in my possession, and is in my 125 gallon shark tank.
<<Mmm...not what you wrote in about and am sure not what you want
to hear but...a 125 is 'too small' to be a shark tank>>
There is only low lighting in the tank since the shark prefers it
dim. My nitrates are a little high, although otherwise the
water quality is good. I have not intentionally fed this
hitchhiker, although I realize he has apparently survived from eating
shark scraps, potentially making up for any lack of appropriate
lighting. <<If it is what I think it is, it doesn't
'need' any lighting at all>> But the conditions are not
such that I would intentionally add a desirable anemone, so I am
thinking that this colony is probably going to be a nuisance.
<<Agreed>> When I saw the first anemone, I had just moved
the rock he was on. Where he was located was very near the
sand bed, if not actually touching it (certainly not seeking out the
little light available from his position). <<As
stated...doesn't need light>> The entire foot and oral disc
are embedded in a small hole in the rock and are not
visible. The tentacles are VERY thin (about the diameter of
a thick human hair). They were extended about 1-2 inches out
of his hole and were barely visible due to their thin size.
Upon inspection through the glass with a magnifying scope (the light-up
type doctors use to check eyes), I could see that the tentacles were
white with red-brown bands that looked like tiny red beads to the naked
eye. The tentacles were smooth and relatively straight (not
like a curlicue and not actually beaded, though they appeared beaded to
the naked eye). They did not quickly retreat when disturbed
(I have heard and seen that Aiptasia do retract quickly upon
disturbance, even lightly moving their home). <<Is not always
so...and often a 'learned' response from predation/aquarists
sticking them with needles...in my experience>> In fact, the
first sighting was immediately after a rather vigorous shaking to rid
the rock of detritus. The anemone stayed out for well over
30 minutes after several attempts to disturb it, trying to get a
reaction. It came out under lighting, did not retract or
react in any noticeable way to the lights being turned off, or back on,
or to visual inspection in darkness or with flashlight. <<Yes,
if these are Aiptasia, they can contain symbiotic
photosynthetic algae, but they don't 'need' the symbionts
to survive. I have seen (have on hand right now even) many
cases where this pest anemone survives in a total lack of light,
turning white to clear, and surviving/growing/reproducing on what it
can grab from the water. In fact, this animal is also a
supreme absorption feeder and will even survive very well in the
absence of particulate matter upon which to feed>> My first
thought was to take it out of the tank, since I have no desire to have
an anemone hanging around my shark's cave-home. I only
waited to remove him because my shark has never had any noted
irritation, no injuries, no sores, no scratching, no sickness and no
anything-else except good health, so he has apparently not been
bothered by this potential pest as of yet. <<Hmmm...these
anemones do have a very powerful sting...could become problematic maybe
if allowed to proliferate throughout the tank>> After a lengthy
inspection, my focus loosened a bit and I noticed at least two others
in close proximity to the originally discovered anemone. <<Can
become 'dozens' in no time if conditions are optimum>>
One of these was identical in description; the other was nearly
identical, with the only noted difference being the base color on his
tentacles was a slightly lighter red-brown than the "beads"
instead of the milky white color of the other two.
<<Perhaps a 'different species' of Aiptasia>> I
have already searched and researched two different invert books, plus
your site here. I have found no similar pictures or
descriptions. I have already been familiar with Aiptasia and
this looks nothing like any of those I have seen
before. These tentacles are longer and thinner with no
apparent taper towards the tips. I have searched your site
for beadlets, Majano, and Aiptasia, plus others. I have
looked at all 13 pages of anemone IDs, plus cnidaria IDs and everything
else I could find, so I hope I didn't miss my answer somewhere
else. <<Hmm...maybe you have a species of Aiptasia for which we
have no photograph>> I tried to get a picture but the
tentacles were too thin for the resolution of my camera, so it was a
totally useless picture. Sorry about the lengthy message,
but without a proper pic, I was hoping that I would give enough info to
make a good ID. <<No worries about the length of the query...and
too bad about the pic...'thousand words,' as they
say. If not Aiptasia, maybe this is a species of
hydroid>> Thanks again in advance for your help, Rob Watson
<<Sorry it isn't better. Eric Russell>>
Re: Unidentified Hitchhiker Anemone -- 03/30/07
Thanks for the response, Eric. <<Quite welcome Rob>> You
have helped to confirm what I had feared. I agree about the
tank being too small for a shark tank and have a shark "pond"
in the planning. <<Ah!...excellent>> For now, though, I
think he has enough room until I get the pond built for him.
<<Ok>> I have a QT tank in which I currently have some
peppermint shrimp and a copperband butterfly. I will move my
shark cave into the tank with them (no meds in the QT) and build a new
shark cave out of some live rock from my other tank. Using
the QT will keep them from spreading while we see if the shrimp and
copperband do their duties! =) <<A good
strategy>> Thanks again for the help and keep up the great work.
<<Welcome...and am trying>> Sincerely, Rob Watson
<<Regards, Eric Russell>>
A Curious Find, Tube Anemone - 03/12/07
Greetings! <Salutations! Mich with you
today.> I recently purchased a small
piece of live rock that had a tube anemone skeleton on
it. After I put the rock in my tank and examined it, I saw a
small fan that was electric blue when I looked at it from the bottom up
and from the top down it was electric green. As I continued
to watch, some of its tentacles changed to red and purple and
yellow. It was so cool because it looked as if it was
producing its own light and could glow in the dark.
<Neat!> My guess is that it's a
small tube anemone, but I'd like to know its name and how to care
for it. <Could be an Arachnanthus, Cerianthus or
Pachycerianthus spp. More info here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/tubeanem.htm > Will
it grow large enough for me to not have to search for it whenever I
want to see its "lights"? <Possibly, but do be careful if
it does. They can pack a powerful sting and are quite
capable of killing other livestock. Hope that
helps, Mich>
Abalone, Haliotis, BTA, Entacmaea quadricolor
Compatibility -- 3/7/07 Hi, <Hi Brian, Brenda here tonight>
Love the website & thanks for the help!! <Thank you Brian and
you're welcome!> I received an abalone today from
liveaquaria.com. After acclimating and placing it in my
tank, I noticed two small anemones on the abalone's shell. <No
doubt a pest anemone of some sort.> I also have in the tank a rose
colored bulb tip anemone. Will there be any compatibility
problems? <You will not have any compatibility problems with the BTA
and Abalone. However, do get rid of the pest anemones that
arrived with your order before they take over your
tank. More information here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/cav1i3/aiptasia_impressions/aiptaisia_impressions.htm>
Thanks, Brian <You're welcome! Brenda>
Anemone ID 3/7/07 So sorry. Hope
this is better :) <Much better, Jeni> <Your anemone
appears to be a Macrodactyla, common names are Long Tentacle and
Corkscrew Anemone. A healthy one will usually have an
orange column, but, not always orange. They are usually
found on sandy or muddy bottoms with their column buried in the
sand. My first move would be to surround the anemone
with coral sand rather than crushed coral you have. It
is important to research animals you buy before buying to ensure
you have the capability/needs of the animal in
question. Most anemones under captive conditions rarely
live longer than a year. I will direct you to a few
links you should read to ensure you are providing what this animal
needs to survive under aquarium conditions. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemones.htm
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anempt2.htm Do read linked
files also. James (Salty Dog)> |

Anemone ID 2/27/07 Hello WWM crew, <Hello
Frank> Your site has been invaluable to me over the past year,
while I planned and implemented my first reef aquarium. Thanks!
<You're welcome.> I recently came across this critter
attached to the back of some live rock, in a spot where very little
light reaches, and I haven't been able to figure out what it
is. Some folks have offered that it might be Aiptasia, but if so,
it sure doesn't look like any I've seen yet. Can you point
me in the right direction? <Mmm, by looking at the pic, my guess
would be a Rock Anemone, Bob?> <<I am NOT a rock anemone.
RMF>> Thanks!
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Frank |

Anemone, ID, sel. 2/27/07 Dear James
<Akila> Thanks again for your valuable info.
<You're welcome.> Attached here is a picture of an
anemone that is there in the LFS. I am not that experienced with
anemone. If possible please let me know what is anemone is and
whether it's a good first anemone addition to my 80G tank. I
have 2 Clarkii Clowns, 1 Lunar Wrasse and 2 Blue Damsels. <In my
opinion, a good first anemone would be a Bubble
Tip. The anemone in your photo appears to be a
Heteractis specie (Sebae Anemone), a much more difficult to keep
anemone than the Bubble Tip. Heteractis anemones require
much more light than Bubble Tips. Do read here and
related links above for the information you
seek. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/heteraccrispa.htm>
Hope you hear from you soon. Best regards,
<James (Salty Dog)
Akila |

Anemone or tube worm? ID Tube
Anemone! 2/14/07 Thank you for helping identify
this beautiful creature for me. <You're welcome,
it is a Tube Anemone (Cerianthus spp.). Please read
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/tubeanem.htm > My
local experts on separate occasions gave me anemone and
tubeworm. Not by any purposeful doing has it survived my
excruciatingly slow learning curve on this salt water habitat we
have in our veterinary office. <Much to learn.> Just as I
have developed the perception that pet stores should only sell pet
'stuff' not live critters, I now feel the same about the
naive walking in and buying sea (or fresh water) creatures. <A
wise perception.> I should go iron my hands for all the living
things I was 'advised' to purchase with no regard for where
our tank was at, what they ate, water quality etc. <Excellent
that you have gained this wisdom, though I would hold off on
ironing your hands. You use them to care for so many
others. That being said, the aquarist cannot rely on the
pet store for all guidance. The aquarist needs to be
responsible and conscientious. This means caring about
and knowing the needs of those creatures in your care.> And
shame on me for knowing about "dilution is the solution
to pollution" when in a dogs abdomen, but my
fish and various other invertebrates swimming in
a cesspool was OK (I was informed that the water never got changed
in the long-lived tank at the original store we purchased our set
up from so there was no need to consider doing this with my tank.)
<Oy vey! But you are aware of you past ignorance,
which has hopefully spurred you into action, so, good for you and
your tank!> I am slowly putting things together and I am
rereading a variety of books I originally purchased including Reef
Invertebrates and some lights are going on. <I would recommend
you begin with a book titled The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by
Robert M. Fenner (one of the authors of Reef
Invertebrates). It is the best place to start and will
help you put the pieces together.> Hopefully quick enough to
keep alive what has survived so far, and to assist those I will
carefully select in future. <Positive for all involved.> I
did not see a fee anywhere for your services, perhaps I
missed this, or you have a worthy organization to
donate to?? <No fees are charged. WetWebMedia is an
all volunteer organization. Donations are greatly
appreciated and are used to help educate our crew, that we might in
turn educate and inspire others. There is a link on the
bottom of the tube anemone page if you care to make a donation.>
Some of the information on your site should be mandatory
pre-purchase reads. <Yes I would agree. It is my
opinion that the book I recommended should be read by everyone who
has a saltwater tank, it would save many lives.> Dr Jo Olver
<Thank you for your letter. -Mich> |
Re: Anemone or Tube Worm? ID Tube
Anemone! 2/14/07 <A snowy hello to you Dr. Jo,
Mich with you again.> Oh Gosh - Thanks.
<Welcome!> How did I miss that? Rhetorically
speaking. <Easy to do when you don't really know what your
looking for, trust me, been there, done that.> Web sites such as
this prove the value of the internet. <Yes. I can't even
imagine how challenging this hobby was in the days before the
internet!> I cannot imagine whatever I could do to help except
for periodic donations, <Always
appreciated. Furthers our education and hopeful many
others as well.> but if I ever could you may put my name on your
list of janitor potentials! <Hehehe! We're
good with janitors. Do you know how to place rotating
banner ads on the top of our site? Now that would be most
helpful!> Thanks again very much. <You are most welcome!>
Dr Jo from snowy upstate NY. <Being buried right there with ya
in the Poconos! -Mich> |

Beware of the Hitcher....anemone version
2/11/07 I set up my saltwater tank about 2 1/2
weeks ago. While i was putting my crabs and snails in the tank in I
noticed something growing on the back of my live rock. I know it is
an anemone but don't know what kind. <Appears to be a majano
of some sort.> I don't think it is a pest anemone but I not
sure. <Not as bas as "some" others but I would rather
"go-along" without it.> Can you tell from the picture
what kind this is? <Pictures alone of such inverts. rarely lead
to a 100% i.d. but we can/will get close...see above.> Also, I
plan on having at least one clown fish, but I also am going to have
other kinds of fish that are not immune to it. <Fish are not in
danger.....should it multiply....sessile inverts are another
story.> I have a 26 gallon tank with a 130 watt power compact.
If it is not a pest anemone should I keep it or go ahead and get
rid of it? It is about the size of a quarter right now. How fast
will it possibly grow and how big? <Search WWM re: majano
anemone.> Let me know if you need anymore information. I
appreciate any help you can give me. <Anytime.>
<Adam J.> |

Hermit Crab Question, Polyp ID... sans
photo 1/31/07 <Hello Rhonda-Leigh, Mich with you
today.> We recently acquired a LARGE hermit crab that has apparently
placed himself in a shell that was inhabited (externally) by some type
of (well, that is sort of my question). On the outside of this
spiraling shell is 3 polyp looking things approx. 1"-1.5" in
diameter. They are pinkish/red and are living organisms of some kind.
<OK.> When not bothered they fan out of these polyp looking outer
parts and look like BIG coral polyps. But when bothered or
touched by the crabs claws, they retract and sort of resemble well
colored barnacles. (that is what my boyfriend thought they were until I
researched and didn't see anything like that in a barnacle species)
Any help that you may provide would be helpful. If it would be better,
I can take a picture of them and send it to you via email. Let me know.
<Yes, you know the old adage, a picture is worth a thousand words...
"polyp looking thing" isn't terribly helpful here...
unless it's merely a polyp, you might want to do an image search
for Palythoa grandis and see if that could be your critter.> Thank
you in advance, <You're welcome! -Mich>
Re: new tank live rock hitchhiker... Tulip
Anemones 1/23/07 Hi Crew! <Hi
Angela, Mich here!> We are in the process of setting up a new
marine aquarium (our first!), and just added our live rock
yesterday. We have a beautiful hitch-hiker. . . My
husband and I both believe it to be some sort of anemone, but
don't know which type (after approx 2 hours of searching your
archives. . . ) (see links to photos
below) It is approximately 5 mm or one quarter inch
across. It has greenish tentacle tips and base with a
pink "mouth" surface/tentacles. It seems to
have a cylindrical base, and has been moving around the rock we
placed it on (after realizing it was there on the substrate)
looking for a comfy home. Please forgive the
"foggy" photos, the substrate is a little stirred up from
placing the LR. <Sounds/looks like a Tulip
Anemone. There is a photo and info on this Faq's
page: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anemidfaq3.htm> Since this
is a brand new tank, we expect quite a bit of water quality
fluctuation. Seeing as it's the only visibly living
thing in our tank, we're growing quite fond of
it. Is there any possibility this creature will
survive? <Yes, they are pretty hardy, to the degree
that it is possible for them to become a pest if they
are completely ignored. That being said they are
relatively easy to remove and share with fellow
aquarists. I personally think they are quite beautiful
and a nice addition.> And if so, what can we do to ensure
it's survival (feeding, etc.)? <They will readily accept
most any small meaty food, from flake to fresh shrimp etc.>
Thank you! <Welcome! -Mich> Angela http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c316/angela_myers/tank/anemone2.jpg
http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c316/angela_myers/tank/anemone1.jpg |

Anemone ID 1/23/07 Greeting WWM Crew,
<Hello Thomas> I love your site, it has been of great
assistance to me for a long time. <Good to hear.> I recently
purchased what my LFS told me was a white carpet anemone, but from
researching it on your site, it have come to the conclusion that it
is not. I have been through all of the anemone ID pages
and have not come to a conclusion, so my hope is you can be of some
assistance in identifying it. <Appears to be a Heteractis crispa
not doing too well. Do read hear and linked files above
on proper systems for keeping anemones. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemones.htm>
As you may notice on the picture I have not been successful in
feeding it either. I have tried plankton squirted onto it through a
baster, but no luck. What should I be feeding and how? <Above
link and related files will tell all.> in advance, thank you
very much for your assistance. <You're
welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Thomas Krog |
Mmm, maybe not. RMF
ID Help - Unknown Anemone -
1/22/07 Greetings Bob and crew, Hope this finds you having a
wonderful day! <Hello, Laura! Thank you for this, and I hope the
same for you and yours!> I need some help identifying this
little hitchhiker that came with the live rock I recently purchased
from Premium Aquatics. <Ok> Upon first glance I was afraid it
might be Aiptasia. <Mmm, I agree here.> But after searching
through all the pages here I can't find a photo or description
that is an exact match for what I have here. I am
attaching 2 pics, with a view from each side. It is
hiding in a rock, has a clear base, and retracts into the rock when
frightened. The tentacles are also clear and pointy. If
you look close (not visible in the photos), there are some very
tiny tentacles in between the larger ones also. There are no
colors, bands or spots on this at all. It is completely clear,
perhaps a bit whitish, and is about 1/2 inch long, and about 1/2
inch diameter across the top. Feel free to post/use the
photos as you wish. <We post all> Do you think this is some
type of anemone I have been lucky enough to adopt, or is it the
dreaded Aiptasia? <Too likely the latter.> If so,
I want to take care of it right away so it won't sting any of
the new additions I am planning to add. Thanks so much
for your help with this! Laura <Sorry to be the bearer of bad
news, Laura, but better to know sooner than later. Good luck!
-JustinN> |
Anemone ID 4/14/07 Hi Crew- <Hello
Becky> Question about this anemone. What kind is
it? I wanted a LTA, but the base is orange. I
think it may be a Ritteri. <I believe what you have is what you
wanted, a LTA or Corkscrew Anemone.> After I read up on their
needs, and saw they are super difficult to keep, I wanted to ask
your opinion on this matter. <There are no easy anemones to
keep.> I had placed the anemone high on a rock, in my tank under
a 175 MH. The tank has two 175 MH. I had to
remove an aggressive fish, so I took the rock the anemone was on
and placed it on the substrate. The anemone crawled off
and buried it's base. That's where it is now.
<Yes, they like to burrow into the sand which would be a much
better substrate for them than the gravel you have.> Will the
anemone move itself if it's not getting enough light, current,
etc? <They will find the ideal spot.> Do you think it looks
"happy" in the picture? <I do see a grin on it, but
should look a little better (extended more) and probably will once
it adapts.> Suggestions please. <Sure, read here and related
links: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemones.htm>
My tank is a 155 bow with live rock, fish, polys, a few LPS, and
snails. Thank you! <You're
welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Becky |
