FAQs on Anemone Identification
Related Articles: Anemones,
Tip Anemones, LTAs, Cnidarians, Coldwater Anemones, Colored/Dyed Anemones,
Related FAQs: Anemone ID 1, Anemone ID 2, Anemone ID 3, Anemone ID 5, Anemone ID 6, Anemone ID 7, Anemone ID 8, Anemone ID 9, Anemone ID 10, Anemone ID 11, Anemone ID 12, Anemone ID 13, Anemone ID 14, Anemone ID 15, Anemone ID 16 Anemone ID 17, Anemone ID 18, Anemone ID 19, Anemone ID 20, Anemone ID 21, Anemone ID 22, Anemone ID 23, Anemone ID 24, Anemone ID 25, Anemone ID 26, Anemone ID 27, Anemone ID 28, Anemone ID 29, Anemone
ID 30, Anemone ID 31, Anemone ID 32, Anemone ID 33, Anemone ID 34, Anemone ID 35, Anemone ID 36, Anemone ID 37, Anemone ID 38, Anemone ID 39, Anemone ID 40, Anemone ID 41,
Anemone ID 42,
Anemone ID 43,
Anemone ID 44, Anemone ID 45,
& Cnidarian Identification, Anemones 1,
Anemones 2, Anemones 3, Anemones
4, Anemones 5, Invertebrate Identification, Aiptasia
Identification, Aiptasia ID 2,
LTAs, Bubble Tip
Anemones, Caribbean
Anemones, Condylactis, Aiptasia
Anemones, Other Pest
Anemones, Anemones and
Clownfishes, Anemone
Reproduction, Anemone
Lighting, Anemone Feeding,
Anemone Systems,
Compatibility, Anemone
Selection, Anemone
Health, Anemone Behavior,

New Print and
eBook on Amazon:
Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Bali oddball, help me identify please.. Hi All,
<Hello there> As some or most of you may know, I just spent
some time in Bali. We took many pictures of many
creatures and formations during our dives, and most we at least
have an idea of what they are (though we have one damsel
incorrectly noted as an Anthias). This 'thing'
is different. I think it must be a Cnidarian of some
sort, but have never seen anything like it. Our dive
instructor said that it behaves a little like a tube anemone, in
that when disturbed it will retreat into a hole that does not cave
in. He also said that it's about as
"sticky" as a carpet anemone. My curiosity is
beginning to KILL me here! <From your description, photo... this
sounds like a branching/tree anemone of the genus Actinodendron or
a related genus> Our website for hosting all pics (not *even*
all uploaded!), and attached is the creature
itself. Perfunctory and pre-emptive thanks!
<Bob F> |
Its looks like Actinodendron (cf. arboreum perhaps) the
"branching anemone". They say they have painful stings!
You did not mention this... so I presume you were not diving naked
when this shot was taken.
Anthony :) |

Mint green anemone? I saw the prettiest mint green
anemone in a tank at a LFS, but nobody knew what it was called. It was
bright, light, mint green. Any idea what anemones these are? <Color
has not a great deal to do with species with anemones... depending on
light, foods... other factors, the types of zooxanthellae (the
symbiotic algae that come to live within their tissues) can be or
change color... Some idea of the color range by some of the more
commonly offered species can be found on our site here: http://wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemones.htm
My best guess, in seeing many thousands of specimens over the years is
that you were observing a Long Tentacled Anemone... but it could have
been a Heteractis crispa, or any number of other possibilities. Best to
study re these animals selection and care ahead of purchase... as most
prove very difficult to keep alive... often dying and taking their
tankmates with them. Bob Fenner> The Former. Bob Fenner

Anemone Identification and Over skimming? Hi
there, <Hello> Great site, Just want help in identifying my
anemone. Since I bought it it has been this colour but I got if
from a display tank at my LFS in Singapore. It was already with a
Golden Maroon Clown and so I bought it too. <This is a bleached
out Heteractis crispa, most often called a Sebae Anemone in the
trade in the west> The clownfish has grown but the Anemone has
begun to not open fully and its tentacles are not fully extended.
This started to occur after I bought a much larger skimmer. Is it
related? <Not likely. Take a read over the Anemone FAQs on
WetWebMedia.com... very common for bleached out (lacking
endosymbiotic zooxanthellae due to mishandling, being kept w/o
adequate light...) Sebaes to perish slowly> My green button
polyps and mushrooms are doing fine and I have had them for a year
now. I feed the anemone squid and occasionally target feed it with
Liquifry Marine. Heard its good stuff. Anyway it takes the food and
it seems to open a bit larger then resumes its previous smaller
state. I have read that it is common for anemones to occasionally
deflate and this is the first time mine has done this apart from
when it was first introduced into my tank. Should I worry? <Yes.
What you state is so, but in this case, these specimens rarely
"rally", but this is not altogether the case. Some
crispas reincorporate flagellated algae, regain color, health>
My clown is about 2 inches long and it spends the better part of
the day trying to force itself into the Anemone using his snout to
pry it open. <Yes, likely not adding to the health of the
anemone either> The anemone was white since the day I saw it but
after a month or so in my tank, the tips became brownish but have
since become white again. Is there a way to aid it in replenishing
its zooxanthellae? Or is this creature on its way out? <Ahh, I
see you know of the situation already. If your system is otherwise
"healthy" and you have other zooxanthellate animals
present, enough light... maybe> My pH is 8.2 - 8.3 My
temperature is approx 29 Degrees Celsius - Is this too
high for softies? <Not most that folks keep> My nitrates are
undetectable Tank is a 15 gallon <Fifteen gallons? This is quite
small... much greater chances of success, disaster-proofedness with
larger volumes> Regular water changes New oversized skimmer My
copepods cannot be seen anymore on the glass or LR 2 fish are doing
fine Clown and fire goby Turbo snail does his daily rounds.
Lighting is 36 Watts 1 marine white 1 marine blue, both from
arcadia <Your anemone needs much more light, by more than
twice> 1 sweeping wave maker 3 stalks of mangroves <In this
15 gallon system?> My 2 shrimp (1 blood, 1 skunk) died while
molting, heads were semi detached - or could be clownfish. I do
regular weekly water changes ~ 10% I add calcium, trace elements
and buffer on a weekly basis. Please help me! <Mmm, is there a
chance you might be getting a larger system... perhaps to match
your skimmer? You really need this foremost. Bob Fenner> |
Anemone id... yep, Aiptasia 7/29/04 I
found this in my tank not too long ago. Looks like an anemone but I
have never seen one like that. Can you tell me what it is? It is
growing pretty fast. Is it safe for my tank or should I get rid of
it. If I need to get rid of it how should I do this. Thanks for the
help <Nice pix of a Glass Anemone, genus Aiptasia. Please see
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/aiptasia/aiptasia.htm
and all those blue links at the top... Bob Fenner> |
Why are my anemone's tentacles elongating? Hey guys, I
just can not figure out why this is happening. I have a bubble tip
anemone, about 5 inches across the disc. Anyways, what is happening is
the tentacles are getting longer and longer. Some of the tentacles are
about six inches long. Does anyone one happen to know what causes the
tentacles to elongate like that? I asked the guy at my LFS and he had
read the most of the time it was due to low lighting. In my case I am
certain that is not it. I have a 25 gallon tall with 175 watt MH
mounted 6-8" off the water. << I now have three 150 watt
halides 4 inches above my 29 gal. >> The water all tests ok, Temp
79-80, pH 8.4, Calcium close to 400, Nitrates are around 12.5 mg/l. I
feed it Mysis, squid, and other types of meaty foods, also cut up into
pretty small chunks. Would the spectrum of the light be causing this?
The MH I have is a 10k,<< That isn't a problem, but I would
also add some actinic lights to that. >> I was thinking about
hooking up my twin 55w PC and putting them back in. << Yes, good
idea. >> I have a 12k and Actinic light I could use to put some
light higher in the spectrum into the tank. Do you think this is worth
a shot or would not make a difference. I wish I had a pic of what it
looks like. I had a smaller one in the tank and when it got to big I
brought it to my LFS and he did not believe me that it was a BTA, he
kept telling me that it was a long tentacle. Well I hope I have given
you all of the needed information to help identify what is happening to
my BTA. I look forward to hearing from you guys. << I would do a
water change, and add those lights. It may really help out.
Keep me posted. >> Thanks, Chris Hepburn
<< Blundell >>
Mushroom ID, possible rock anemone. Here is a photo of
the critter. To answer your questions (which you may not
need since I was able to send a photo), the red part seems to be
short, stubby tentacles. It has no skeleton. <I have
to tell you looks a lot like a rock anemone to me although it has a
lovely color.> And it is hard to tell what it does when
touched. I think it looked like it pulled back into
itself, but it looks like it might be in a little hole in the rock,
and it withdrew into the hole, so it was hard to
tell. The photo is actually larger and more detailed
than I can see with my bare eyes. So I'm not
completely sure about the presence of a hole. Isn't
it pretty, though? <Just lovely and great color.> It just
happens to be on the back side of a huge rock upon which a rock
anemone is situated. <I really believe it is another rock
anemone.> I would like to be able to see the red creature, so I
was trying to decide whether to move the rock anemone (he has been
in the same location since I purchased the rock) or see if I could
move the red thing to the front. (This would be better
because there are more polyps and coralline on the
front.) But I'm not sure how to contemplate moving
the red thing since I don't know what it is! Thanks for your
help. <Its very nice. I think based on its middle section that
its not a mushroom though.> Bess |

More Anemonia majano? 6/17/04 Hello, I have tried a few times
today to send you a couple pics of my anemones, but the email keeps
bouncing back. You must have some sort of email attachment blocker.
<I've actually been having the same problem trying to send Bob a
pic today. We'll see> I emailed Bob a few weeks ago with a pic
and it worked fine. Oh well, I'll try to explain. I have a bubble
tip Anemone (brown) that I acquired about 7 months ago. It was about 3
inches across when I got him, and now he/she is almost the size of a
softball :) <very nice> Anyway, a few weeks ago or so, not far
from where the Anemone is perched, I noticed (3) very small, what looks
to me, like bubble tip anemones. I am quite sure they are, but what
intrigues me is how on earth they got there? <I'm not so sure
they are baby BTAs... please do search our site and the web for pics of
the common nuisance anemone (that looks like baby BTAs) called Anemonia
majano> I have read into the splitting of anemones, but mine looks
like it had 3 babies, although I don't think this is possible?
<possible but not likely> The (3) anemones are of the same color,
maybe slightly greener especially under actinics), <oh, yeah...
these are Anemonia my friend. Not too much to worry about. But if they
flare, know that you have a nutrient issue in the tank. Be careful not
to overfeed and be sure to tune/tweak your husbandry (skimming, water
changes, etc.) to keep such nuisance growths in check> but my large
Anemone has a slight green tinge to it also, so they look very much
alike. They are also about the size of a nickel, one being slightly
smaller. Can you help me out with this one? <best regards,
ID Please (anemone?) I can not find an ID on this guy
anywhere. I am assuming he is an anemone of some sort. He was about the
size of a penny and in just a couple of months has grown to the size of
a fifty cent piece. (See attached file: Tank 004.jpg) <I agree with
your guess, but can't be more specific. Do keep an eye on it for
splitting. Some anemone species like anemone and Aiptasia can multiply
to pest proportions. Also, if it gets very large, it could present a
risk to fish or motile invertebrates. Until it becomes a problem, just
enjoy it for the amazing diversity of marine life that it represents.
Best Regards. Adam>
Take of your Aiptasia - 5/5/04 Hi crew, I
got this rock from my friend and it appears that the anemones on it
are Aiptasia which was acquired about numerous times in your
column. Are these really that pest anemone which I should get rid
of quickly. <Please see here:
and click the blue hyperlinks for our previous responses
to questions regarding this problematic species of anemone. No need
to re-invent the wheel by typing out a long winded response.
Please, make use of our site to your advantage before asking
questions. There is a lot of information easily found on our site
with just a modicum of effort. ~Paul> Regards
TFChow |
