FAQs on Anemonia/Majano Anemones
Related FAQs: Anemonia 1, Anemonia 2, Anemonia 4, Anemonia 5, & Aiptasia
Identification, Anemone
Identification, Other
Pest Anemones Eradication by: Peppermint
Shrimp, Butterflyfishes,
Injection, Hypo/Hyper-Salinity,
Related Articles: Aiptasia/Glass
Anemones, Anemones,

New Print and
eBook on Amazon:
Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Identify and coral health questions
<Hi John>
I am seeing this brown anemone looking thing on my live rock. It
looks like I have 3 now and I am starting to wonder if this is
some sort of pest? I have no idea what this is.
<This looks like a Majano Anemone to me. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anemoniafaqs.htm
It also looks like it's stinging your Pachyclavularia>
The picture only shows 2, but it looks like a 3rd one has grown
in after I took the picture a week ago. Should I be worried and
kill it?
<These are not as bad as Aiptasia, and can be enjoyable, but
they can also be pests. These are stinging your coral, so I would
separate the two somehow, perhaps by killing the anemones>
I have had the rock for about 2 months I think and this thing did
not seem to move, but now seems to be reproducing. See
Also I had lighting issues where the lights were not work for a
week or two and I am wondering about the health of some of my
corals. Can you look at the pictures and let me know what I
should do? Will they be OK?
<No useful data here.. The Plerogyra does not look in great
health to me>
The bubble coral came with some brown stuff on the skeleton when
I got it. I was not sure what to do so I tried to remove it. It
now seems to have spread some, but coral still opens. This has
been going on for about 3 months I think since I got it. I
included a before picture.
<Improved water quality and some direct feeding may be
required here. Read & related Faqs: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/caryoeuph2.htm>
My brain coral seems to developed a hole, but it can't be
seen when the coral swells or opens up. Is it OK? Will it
<Mmmm, something is going on, 'amiss' here.. I suspect
your water quality,
and/ or allelopathy betwixt animals http://www.wetwebmedia.com/cnidcompppt.htm>
I also included a before and after picture of my elegance coral.
I have had this about 3 months also.
<Has deteriorated>
tiny creature on my rock 12/31/09
I have had a tiny BTA like creature in my tank since I purchased
a small red mushroom frag. it has since moved from that frag onto
some of my LR, then into a small hole that is in that LR. pics of
it have been
this is literally the size of a penny or quarter. so my question
is, what is it?
<Likely an Anemonia sp., perhaps A. sulcata. Read here:
and the linked files above>
is it a BTA?
<Mmm, doubtful, no>
and what is the smallest size an anemone can actually be?
<A single cell>
here is a link to a forum post where I am in search of an
my system: 39 gal FLOWR, with sump, hob refugium, skimmer, 78w of
t5 ho lighting. tank params are good, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite,
<20 nitrate.
2 false Perc clowns, 1 yellow tang (will be moved to a larger
tank soon), 1 pj cardinal, 1 green BTA, 1 red mushroom frag. the
tank has been up and cycled for over 6 mo.
thank you for any help you can give.
<Some folks might remove... Read on! Bob Fenner>
Anemone Eating Butterfly 11/21/09
Hey crew,
I have a 850 gallon reef tank with 1200 pounds of Tonga live rock in
It has in the last year become infested with Majano Anemone's. When
I say infested I mean there is probably not a 8 inch square in the
aquarium that you cannot find one of these little suckers! I have added
a couple Klein's butterflies months ago but they are not up to the
task of destroying these, they pick at them but much prefer pellets and
other foods ( I only feed 2 times a week) I am to the point that I
either let them take over the aquarium or I turn loose something that
will flat out hunt down and eat every last one. I am not going to let
these things take over and destroy my 25,000 dollar "reef"
tank. I can remove most of my corals to a different system until they
are gone. SO my questions are, what kind of butterfly is (a) hardy (b)
will "most likely" eat/prefer these little anemones over
something else? I have to do something..I hate looking at my corals
getting stung by these things, I spend probably 10 hours a week trying
to keep them "under control"...help!
<The problem that could arise here is that a butterfly that would
eat the Majanos would likely
eat your coral. I suggest reading here and linked files in the
James (Salty Dog)>
Re Anemone Eating Butterfly
Thanks for the speedy reply James,
<You're welcome.>
I understand the butterflies will eat my
coral, I will remove the coral that I can and the rest will have to
I have read the FAQ many times trying to remedy this problem this has
been becoming much larger than can be resolved by "normal"
means. I at this point have no choice but to introduce an non reef safe
butterfly, The question is what one will be the most aggressive anemone
<Some folks have had luck with Raccoon Butterflies, and some not.
Will depend on the eating personality of the fish. Another fish some
had have good luck with is the Bi-Color Angelfish. I believe it was
Eric Borneman who stated that the A. majano is a staple in their diet
in the wild.
There are folks who claim the Copperband and Saddleback Butterfly Fish
consume Majanos, then
again, some not. As before, all depends on the fishes eating
habits/personality. Another method is to inject them with Kalkwasser,
but this could take a considerable amount of time, patience, and
Thanks again!
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Majano Anemone ID 1/21/09 Hello, <Hi Jack,
geez, don't say that in an airport.> Attached is a photo
of a polyp that came on live rock I purchased. There are others
that are identical elsewhere on the same rock but are not in a
spot easily photographed. In the last 3 months all have grown
from about an eighth of an inch to roughly the size of a nickel.
All appear to be flat against the rock, but perhaps a stem
structure hidden within a crevasse. Is this the dreaded Majano
Anemone? <I'm about 90% sure that it is the pest
anemone.> Thank you in advance for your assistance.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Anemonia? 1/14/09 Bob, Thanks for all your
work to help reefs around the world (both in nature and in our
homes) thrive. I have two anemone that I believe to be majano. A
picture is attached and I was hoping that you might verify my
suspicion. <Might be this Anemone... but due to the lack of
tentacles nearer the mouth, arrangement on the periphery of the
crown... these could be Zoanthids...> They are on a clam away
from everything else in my tank. If they are Majano sp. I have a
few questions. First, do they simply divide by fission in the
tank and therefore will only reproduce in the area that they are
in and spread from there or can they find there way across the
tank without my noticing some how? <Both these groups of
stinging-celled life principally spread through asexual
fission... pedal laceration and such... about the area where
they're located... though in the wild, sexual reproduction,
very wide spreading does occur> Can they kill the Maxima clam
that they are on now? <Either could be a negative influence,
yes> Should I remove them and place them in my trigger tank?
<Yes I would... and carefully... outside the main system...
with a sharp implement... scrubbing the remaining area with an
old toothbrush... rinsing the clam a few times in new water...
carefully disposing of the "cut process" water... Do
wear gloves and eye protection> Should I be upset at my LFS
who told me that the one that was there when I bought the clam
was a small flower anemone? <Mmm, is a/nother common name for
this (A. cf. majano) and other life...> (I realize you likely
will not advocate harboring enmity toward others but I thought I
would ask anyway). Thanks for all your help Joe Marchetti
Anchorage, AK <A pleasure to meet, share with you Joe. Bob
Re: Anemonia? 1/14/09 Thanks Bob. Will proceed
as suggested. Joe Marchetti <Ah, good Joe... I really should
have, and now will urge you to read this area re some further
(reinforcing) cautions concerning Zoanthid contact:
http://wetwebmedia.com/zoanthidcompfaqs.htm Cheers, BobF> |
Raccoon Butterfly Question, for Majano control
11/30/08 Dear WWM <Ryan> Common question but
couldn't get quite an exact answer. I have Majanos in my tank. Have
been treating them with Joes juice daily towards every single one i can
see. But still after 3 weeks of doing this.... i get still a couple a
day...so i was thinking would getting a Raccoon Butterfly be good?
<Mmm, maybe... do you have room...?> I saw smaller ones at the
petstore and really liked them and thought that they would help. So
just wondering if this would be a good idea even with only a few coming
in every day that are REALLY small (less than 1/2 cent) also relating
to all this the raccoon is about 1/2 inch if not a little less. <?!
In length? Have never seen this fish, or other Chaetodont offered so
small> But i really like that as i don't want a big one cause i
want to see it grow. So even at small size will it still be effective
is effective at all? <I doubt it... I even doubt it will live
period> thanks for your help Ryan <If interested in eradication
of this anemone... I encourage you to investigate the new Red Sea
product: Aiptasia-X... really works and appears to be very "reef
safe". Bob Fenner>
Help Needed In Hitchhiker ID. 09/01/08 Hi
Guys and Gals, Great website, there is so much to read and take
in!!! <Indeed, thank you> I have just added 28kg of cured
Live Rock to my tank, the next day I noticed about 6 of the I do
not know what's (please see pic). The larger of the 2 has got
long reddish tentacles and moves around the rock quite a bit, it
also disappears into holes in the rock, I think that this may be
a Small Rock Anemone? <Possibly... the small one looks like a
majano anemone to me, the larger looks like an Aiptasia. Please
see here:
The smaller of the 2 has got small tentacles with round greenish
white tips, he also moves around the rock a bit, I have no idea
as to what this is. <Ah, sounds like a majano. Please see
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anemoniafaqs.htm> Any help
that you can give me in identifying these would be very much
appreciated as I need to know what they are in order to research
how they need to be looked after properly. <Um, ok, but they
are typically considered "pests" actually.> Kindest
Regards Jay <Best, Sara M.>
What is this? Anemonia majano -- 6/18/08 Hi
there, <Hi Stacy> I have some sort of anemone I think?
<You sure do. They're pest anemones called Majanos that
thrive and multiply in systems carrying high nutrient loads. On the
plus side, they don't tend to multiply as rapidly as
Aiptasia.> It has started to grow and I want to make sure it is
nothing I should remove. <I would remove them.> I also found
an aiptasia yesterday and have never seen one in my tank before.
<Uh-oh> It has easily been 6 months since I have added
anything to the tank and 2 years since I added the rock it's
living on. <There must have been one (or several)
present/introduced, but were previously out of sight. They tend to
start popping up when conditions became favorable. I would get rid
of it ASAP.> I injected it with reef calcium. I noticed someone
said it would kill it. <I'm guessing you mean a
Kalkwasser/water solution, not the Seachem product? I've had
good results with either a Kalk solution or boiling water.>
It's still alive but I'm hoping. Is that common? <For
them to survive an initial 'dosing'? Yes, it happens,
especially with the Majanos. You have to be very diligent with
these guys. For more information on both of these pests, as well as
their removal, please Google the terms majano and Aiptasia through
our site:
Here's a link to get you started regarding Majanos:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anemoniafaqs.htm > I'm attaching
photos of the unidentified 'something'. <Thank you!>
Thank you for all of your great help and information. Stacy
<You're very welcome. Take care and good luck!
--Lynn> |

Ricordea under a rock ledge... Maybe Majanos
2/5/08 Hi All, I love your website! I have learned so much from it
along with the book "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist".
<Hello and thanks! Bob's book is great isn't it?!> I
recently acquired a 55 gallon reef tank set up with LR and LS. It was
covered with green hair algae that has now died off (amazing what
decent water will do). OMG the things that are now appearing on the
rocks! I have discovered 3 Ricordea under a ledge of the biggest rock
and completely in shadow about 2-3 inches above the substrate. Will
they move to seek the light or should I try to move them? If I need to
move them, how should I go about doing it? Due to the angle, I
can't get a chisel in there to get them on a chunk of rock. Thanks
so much in advance. These are very pretty bright green little guys I
really want to help out. Peg <Peg, Ricordea don't usually just
pop out on rocks. However, Majano Anemones do. Here is some
FAQ's... http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anemoniafaqs.htm These types of
anemones pack a big sting and are not very well liked by aquarist as
they sting and kill corals. Google "Majano Anemone Pics" and
see if they are the same ones you have. HTH, Rich...aka...Mr.
Majano Anemones, control 1/6/08 Hello, <Hi
Eric> I have a 180 gallon reef tank and my population of Majano
Anemones is getting out of control. I have been busy reading your site
and now realize the cause of it is most likely poor skimming. (Actually
a separate problem that I have been trying to fix but I didn't
realize the 2 were related). Anyway my question is, if I solve the
nutrient export problem, will the current population of Majanos start
to die off? Or am I stuck with them unless I manually start to remove
them or find something that will eat them? <Lowering the nutrient
levels is not going to kill them, for sure. One thing in your favor is
that they are not quite as prolific as Aiptasia Anemones, but still
pack a potent sting and a nuisance just the same. Read here.
Thank you, <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Eric
Aiptasia... ID, contr. 07/27/07 Hi there and thanks in
advance for your assistance. <Yes, but six times in one day?
lol ;-)> Could you please confirm that this is Aiptasia and
that the best natural way to rid the problem is a peppermint
shrimp? <Your pictures are really small and unclear. I'm
not entirely sure those are Aiptasia. If they are, as for
"natural" solutions, it depends what you consider
"natural." Is NaOH natural? In any case, please see
Also if a peppermint shrimp is introduced to the system will it
try to munch any other corals? <I highly doubt it. I've
never heard anyone complain that their peppermint shrimp have
attacked their corals. However, they are predators so I hesitate
to say there's absolutely no chance of them ever picking at a
zoanthid or two.> The basic pro's & cons if you can.
<Pro is that if you do get some shrimp that eat them, they can
be quite effective. Con is that not all peppermint shrimp will
eat them.> Regards K. <Best, Sara M.>
Re: Aiptasia - Majanos? 07/27/07 Once again sorry for
the small pictures! Here's the original sized photo to help.
<That does help, thank you. They look more like majano
anemones to me. Please see here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anemoniafaqs.htm> Also sorry for
keeping you busy with all the questions, these questions built up
over time and I found the time to send them today. <Ah, no
problem. It's a rainy day here in Cleveland anyway. :-)>
Kind regards K. <Best, Sara M.>
Majano control 07/28/07 Hello wise one
<lol>, and thanks that's great help. I've visited
the link you sent and browsed through it. I'm on the fence as
to try to remove these majano anemones or just let them be.
<Though I usually prefer things be left alone, Aiptasia and
majano are exceptions. They can become quite a nuisance very
quickly.> They are reproducing quite steadily and tiny new
ones are appearing around the LR. I must mention that when
disturbed they retreat into a small luminous, semi transparent
green ball and reopen a few minutes later. <Yep, sounds like
Majanos.> There were 3 big ones when I first got the LR in the
tank and now there are around 8 in total after a fortnight. Will
they grow to be a huge colony of pests? <possibly> Would a
syringe and vinegar help as I read somewhere on your FAQ pages?
What would you do? <Yes, many people have success with this
method. If the vinegar doesn't work, there are more drastic
measures you could take (like a NaOH and Kalk mix). But let's
just hope the vinegar works. :-)> Kind regards once again!
<De nada,
Sara M.>
