FAQs on Anemonia/Majano Anemones
Related FAQs: Anemonia 1, Anemonia 2, Anemonia 3, Anemonia 5, & Aiptasia
Identification, Anemone
Identification, Other
Pest Anemones Eradication by: Peppermint
Shrimp, Butterflyfishes,
Injection, Hypo/Hyper-Salinity,
Related Articles: Aiptasia/Glass
Anemones, Anemones,
New Print and
eBook on Amazon:
Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Majano? 1/16/12
Hi crew, Firstly thanks for all the help you provide. Could you
identify the anemone in the attached pictures? From research
I am thinking Majano. Am I on the right path? Thanks Dave.
<Mmm, maybe. Please see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anemoniafaqs.htm
and the linked "pest anemone" FAQs linked above. A
beaut! Bob Fenner>

Flower Anemone? 1/4/12
Happy New Year to you all. Love the site, I have consulted it
many times since starting my 46 gallon tank four years ago. I
recently purchased a polyp rock which is "sprouting"
rapidly dividing flower anemones (?).
Currently there are five. The tank also houses a LTA which is
fabulous. The polyps are not fully opening. Any suggestions?
<The usual allelopathy... warfare amongst Cnidarians. See WWM
I would like to keep them all.
Thanks for your help.
Karen Adam
<Mmm, your pic is a bit small... but what is in the middle
appear to be Anemonia. Bob Fenner>
full size pic
Re: Flower Anemone?
Thank you for your quick reply. Any way of removing them safely to
"frag" and place elsewhere?
<Best "chipped off" with a chisel, hammer or
similar... while the rock they're attached to is out of the
tank... Please see WWM re the genus.
Karen Adam
Re: Flower Anemone? 1/4/12
Thank you. I was hoping for a way to remove them without damaging
the rock since they are covering a large portion of it.
<Mmm, as you'll find... there's no easy, easier way...
w/ leaving any tissue behind, these organisms can
Would be nice to keep the rock intact for the polyps. Thanks again
for the help.
Karen Adam
<Welcome. B> |
Anemone ID Help Needed (Majano/BTA???)
Hi there,
Currently I have two reef tanks & have done lots of
reading/research on WWM & have found it very helpful &
informative (always trying to increase my knowledge &
understanding), thanks for making it available!!
<Try using it!>
I just have a quick question for help identifying an anemone that
I got from the LFS about 7 - 8 months ago; they said it was a
baby BTA (Entacmaea quadricolor)
that had split when the original climbed into an intake &
divided. It was about the size of a nickel, maybe less,
originally & had grown considerably........then we went on
vacation & when we returned I noticed that it was in the
process of splitting. So I got on the internet & started my
research & found that maybe what I had was actually an
Anemonia majano & now would just like to get a second opinion
on this from the experts. I have attached two photos. Currently
the two anemone's are about 1.5 - 2 inches in diameter, max
size for majanos?? Do BTA's split when they are that small?
There is also a rose BTA in this tank, so should these guys come
out regardless? Thanks for any input you might have!
<Looks to be Anemonia. Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/AnemoniaF3.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>

Re: Anemone ID Help Needed
(Majano/BTA???) 8/6/11
Hi Bob thanks for the quick response; I pretty much already knew
the answer but just wanted to have someone confirm my assessment to
get a second opinion so to speak.
I actually did read everything that I could get my hands on for
this particular subject (from your site, including the article u
mentioned, as well as others). So I'm guessing that I need to
eradicate them from the display??
<Mmm, well, am not so fast to do so w/ other than uber
infestations of Aiptasiids... I'd enjoy unless they're
becoming bothersome. Bob Fenner> |
Identify hitchhiker
Hi,could you please identify this for me,thankyou
Kind regards. Rory
<Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/anemoniafaq2.htm
and the linked files above re Pest Anemones. Bob Fenner>

Foxface Rabbitfish
dying or maybe poisoned by majano? 4/6/2011
Hello marine life gods,
<Uh, am the third demigod on the left>
Last night when I fed some algae to my fish the Foxface ate just fine
but he had some type of abrasion on this side. He's had these types
of things before so I didn't think much of it until I got home from
work and he was hiding in the corner with a majano stuck to his
I was actually able to grab him by the tail and pull the majano off his
poisonous spines by hand. He doesn't even run away when I come at
him with the net.
<Not a good sign>
His stomach is all collapsed in, but he's been eating well up to
this point and yesterday his belly looked fine. He was the first
saltwater fish I've ever purchased and I've had him for seven
years so who knows how old he really is.
Is it possible that he was just poisoned by the majano that was stuck
to him and may recover?
<Mmm, yes; possible>
I doubt it but you never know. I couldn't find any such information
on the web.
I'm thinking about putting him down but I just can't do it. Ace
is my homie.
<I'd hold off here... there is a possibility of full recovery.
These fishes are tough>
If I do, what is the most humane way to do this?
<See here: http://wetwebmedia.com/euthanasia.htm
I can't bring myself to smash him in the head with a hammer as some
fisherman teach. He's too big to flush down the toilet which seems
wrong to me as well. My father taught me to quickly slice through the
spine right behind the head with a sharp knife before cleaning a fish,
but it just seems a lot different when you are going to eat the fish
vs. a pet you've had for nearly a decade.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Aiptasia Identification 2/22/11
Hey WetWebMedia,
<Hey Les>
I have had a few of these popping up. I suspect Aiptasia, however
the tentacles seem short. These range from green to brownish in
color and about the size of an M&M candy. Please see attached
Thank you,
Les Currey
<Mmm, I think these are likely Anemonia. Read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Aiptasia Identification
Thanks so much Bob, I was just fixing to purchase some Nudibranch
thinking it was Aiptasia, so I'm glad I wrote you. Can I
definitely rule out Aiptasia?
<I think so>
From your link suggestion, I assume you think it is Majano, is that
<Yes. B> |
Anemone ID 12/29/10
Hey Guys
I have been a big fan of your site for long.
I m posting this question on behalf of my friend.
He recently bought a rock full of coral( I think its
<I think so too>
And the tank is currently FOWLR which at some point is going to
be a Reef Tank.
Do you guys think its Majano Anemone ?
<May well be among the genus Anemonia... but as long as they
can be kept isolated on the one rock... "One person's
trash may well be another's treasure". Cheers, Bob

majano anemones, control
Hello Bob, I have a majano infestation in my 150g tank. Do you know of
any natural predators (other than myself with a syringe of Aiptasia X?)
Or am I doomed to tearing it down and boiling the rock? Help!!
<There are a few fish that might do the trick. Few are reef safe
though. A juvenile Emperor angel may work for you. The real issue is
nutrients. In a understocked and properly fed tank, they won't
multiply much at all. Please don't boil the rock though. Toxins can
be released that cause serious health problems.>
<Scott T.>
Re: majano anemones, reading 7/2/10
I do have a juvenile majestic that I just got a few weeks ago. However
it was at the LFS for 4 months. What other fish, because I don't
have much in corals to worry about. The Majanos are out of control.
<Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/anemoniafaqs.htm
and the linked files above, where you lead yourself through reading.
Bob Fenner>
Anemonia majano removal? Removing pest
anemones 6/29/2010
Greetings Crew!
<Hi Nick!>
Hope all is well with my favorite Samaritans.
<Good, thanks.>
Attached I have a photo of a lovely live rock hitchhiker that popped up
overnight (literally). I assume it to be a majano Anemonia.
<Looks like one.>
What is the best way to remove it-manually with tweezers ? It's 1cm
Or Aiptasia X ? (I have some on hand).
<My preferred method is injecting them with a Kalkwasser paste.
Aiptasia-X works well, but I have heard more than one account of it
making the fish in the tank sick.>
<Have a read here:
Thanks in advance.
<My pleasure.>
Nick N.
"Coral" ID 6/18/10
Hey Team! So I just got my first 2 Corallimorpharians. 2
Rhodactis mushrooms I believe. Actually they are my first
cnidarians as my tank is just about 5 months old. So on one of
the rock pieces was this little guy. Just wondering if you could
please help me ID him as he is obviously quite young/new.
<Yes... a delightful little Anemonia sp.>
He is about an inch away from the mushroom and I want to know if
first off he is a coral of sorts
<An Actinarian>
which he looks to be for sure and second off if his proximity
could be a problem?
<Not likely a problem, unless there's a bunch of them,
crowding other Cnidarians>
Thanks guys, as always. You all do such a great job keeping me
educated and enjoying all my tank has to offer.
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
[1]%20anem.jpg) |
Anemonia majano? 6/21/10
Hi crew. I had previously sent in a pic of this little guy in my
tank. I believe Bob had ID it as an Anemonia. My question is
this. Is this a Majano Anemonia or some other kind?
<Likely Anemonia majano>
I don't know a lot about the classification of these pests or
not pests. Should I be trying to eliminate it?
Thanks again, Picture attached.
<... learn to/use WWM... the search tool and indices... Read
and the linked files above. B>